访问 Distinct Count 和 Count on same table 的子查询

Access subquery for Distinct Count and Count on same table

您好,我浏览了论坛一段时间,在这里提出我的第一个问题。我有点手足无措,想知道我是否能得到一些帮助。我正在使用 Access,但尚未在网上找到该问题的良好答案。

我有一个名为 tblTransactions 的 table 用于 Access 2013 上的交易。它看起来像这样:

Transaction_ID Customer_No Prod_ID Lıcence_ID
1 111 1 1
2 111 1 2
3 222 1 2
4 111 2 1
5 222 2 1
6 222 2 2
7 333 1 1

tblProd 看起来像:

Prod_ID Prod_Name Prod_Price
1 Prod 1 30
2 Prod 2 50

tblLicence 看起来像:

Lıcence_ID Lıcence_Name Lıcence_Price
1 Lıcence 1 80
2 Lıcence 2 100




Customer_No Count_Uniq_Prods Count_Licences Sum_Prods_Price Sum_Licences_Price
111 2 3 80 260
222 2 3 80 280
333 1 1 30 80

前 3 列我尝试了不同的方法。

  1. 当我尝试使用子查询时,客户编号和产品数量是正确的,但它也从许可证中删除了重复项。
SELECT C.Customer_No, T2.Count_Uniq_Prods, T2.Count_Licences" & _
        FROM" & _
            (SELECT T1.Customer_No, T1.Count_Uniq_Prods, Count(Lıcence_ID) As Count_Licences"
            FROM" & _
                (SELECT DISTINCT Customer_No, Lıcence_ID, Count(Prod_ID) As Count_Uniq_Prods
                FROM tblTransactions  GROUP BY Customer_No, Lıcence_ID ) AS T1
            GROUP BY T1.Customer_No, T1.Count_Uniq_Prods) AS T2
        INNER JOIN tblTransactions  AS C
        ON T2.Customer_No = C.Customer_No" & _
        GROUP BY C.Customer_No, T2.Count_Uniq_Prods, T2.Count_Licences;
  1. 当我尝试左连接操作时,我可以成功地分别获取产品和许可证的结果,但是当我想单独获取时table,结果不是我想要的。

适用于 Customer_No、Count_Uniq_Prods、Sum_Prods_Price:

SELECT T.Customer_No,
Count(T.Prod_ID), SUM(tblProd.Prod_Price) AS Sum_Prods_Price
FROM ((SELECT DISTINCT Customer_No, Prod_ID FROM tblTransactions ) AS T
LEFT JOIN tblProd ON tblProd.Prod_ID= T.Prod_ID)
GROUP BY T.Customer_No;

适用于 Customer_No、Count_Licences、Sum_Licences_Price:

SELECT T.Customer_No,
Count(T.Lıcence_ID), SUM(tblLicence.[Lıcence_Price]) AS Sum_Licences_Price
FROM ((SELECT Customer_No, Lıcence_ID FROM tblTransactions ) AS T
LEFT JOIN tblLicence ON tblLicence.Lıcence_ID = T.Lıcence_ID)
GROUP BY T.Customer_No





This query retrieves the products in the format that you requested.

select customer_no, count(t.prod_id) as Count_Uniq_Prods, 
       sum(p.prod_price) as Sum_Prods_Price
      from  ( 
         select customer_no, prod_id
         from tblTransactions t
         group by customer_no, prod_id
      ) t
     inner join tblProd p on
       t.prod_id = p.prod_id
     group by customer_no

This query retrieves the licenses in the format that you requested.

select customer_no, count(t. license_id) as Count_Licenses, 
  sum(l.license_price) as Sum_Licenses_Price
from tblTransactions t
inner join tblLicense l on 
  t.license_id = l.license_id
  group by customer_no

Finally, we put them together and get the following:

select distinct  p.customer_no, Count_Uniq_Prods, 
from (
     select customer_no, count(t.prod_id) as Count_Uniq_Prods, 
       sum(p.prod_price) as Sum_Prods_Price
      from  ( 
         select customer_no, prod_id
         from tblTransactions t
         group by customer_no, prod_id
      ) t
     inner join tblProd p on
       t.prod_id = p.prod_id
     group by customer_no
 ) p
inner join (
    select customer_no, count(t. license_id) as Count_Licenses, 
      sum(l.license_price) as Sum_Licenses_Price
    from tblTransactions t
    inner join tblLicense l on 
      t.license_id = l.license_id
      group by customer_no
    ) l
 on p.customer_no = l.customer_no