如何在 dplyr 和 R 中总结和子集多级分组数据框

How to summarise and subset multi-level grouped dataframe in dplyr and R


testdf <- tibble(
          name = c(rep("john", 4), rep("joe", 2)), 
          rep = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1), 
          field = rep(c("pet", "age"), 3), 
          value = c("dog", "young", "cat", "old", "fish", "young")

出于某种原因,我似乎无法处理“John”数据中重复的 events/pets。
如果我只为 Joe(只有一只宠物)过滤,代码就可以工作。


testdf %>%
          group_by(name, rep) %>%
        #  filter(name == "joe") %>%  # when I filter only for Joe, the code works
                    about = paste0(
                              "The pet is a: ", .[field == "pet", "value"], " and it is ", .[field == "age", "value"]
testdf %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = name:rep,names_from = field) %>% 
  mutate(about = paste0("The pet is a: ", pet, " and it is ", age))

  name    rep pet   age   about                             
  <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>                             
1 john      1 dog   young The pet is a: dog and it is young 
2 john      2 cat   old   The pet is a: cat and it is old   
3 joe       1 fish  young The pet is a: fish and it is young



  ,j = .(about = paste0("The pet is a ", .SD[field=="pet",value], " and it is ", .SD[field=="age",value])),
  by = .(name,rep)

   name rep                             about
1: john   1  The pet is a dog and it is young
2: john   2    The pet is a cat and it is old
3:  joe   1 The pet is a fish and it is young

您的数据格式较长且不整齐,多个字段合二为一。因此,langtang 的回答是将其展开或扩大范围。 (更好的是 data.table 但我发现仍然很难使用 .SD]

我更喜欢在 dplyr 中尽可能简单地做这些事情。 另一种不传播的方法如下,它会产生相同的结果。 [没有data.table .SD 对我来说还是很难掌握! 所以在 3 行中:

  summarise(about = paste("The pet is ",value[field=='pet']," and it is ",value[field=='age']))


      name    rep about                             
  <chr> <dbl> <chr>                             
1 joe       1 The pet is  fish  and it is  young
2 john      1 The pet is  dog  and it is  young 
3 john      2 The pet is  cat  and it is  old