我收到错误 "The requested resource isn't a valid image for /public/logoicon/logoOrange.png received text/html; charset=utf-8"

I am getting the error "The requested resource isn't a valid image for /public/logoicon/logoOrange.png received text/html; charset=utf-8"

我在尝试将 PNG or SVG 文件添加到我的代码时遇到错误。我的错误是什么,或者我必须更改什么才能使其正常工作?

import Head from 'next/head'
import Image from 'next/image'
import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css'

export default function Home() {
  return (
    <div className={styles.container}>

        <meta name="description" content="This Website is in Maintenance Mode" />
        <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
      <div className={styles.main}>
     <h1 className={styles.h1}>This website is currently in</h1>
     <h1 className={styles.h2}>Maintenance Mode.</h1>
            alt="server and database with broken cable"
     <p className={styles.p}>©2022 Karlo-Hosting.com</p>


如果服务器向您发送的响应是“已收到 text/html;charset=utf-8”,请尝试分析错误。您可以看到服务器显示 “这是您请求的 text/HTML 具有 UTF-8 格式的内容”

检查图片来源是否正确。如果图像存在,请尝试检查文件服务器发回给您的 text/HTML 内容。