Solidity 代码反馈 - 基本任务跟踪存储和检索

Solidity Code Feedback - Basic Task Tracking Storage and Retrieval

我刚刚完成了一些基本的 Solidity 教程,想尝试使用基本的任务跟踪器...它基本上允许用户创建任务并将它们分配给用户和项目。


uint256 newIndex = _taskList.length;
 _taskList.push(Task(project, title, description, false, dueDate, assignedUser, msg.value, msg.sender));


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

contract ProjectTaskList {
    struct Task {
        string project;
        string title;
        string description;
        bool isCompleted;
        uint256 dueDate;
        address assignedUser;
        uint256 payment;
        address owner;

    Task[] public _taskList;
    mapping(address => uint256[])  _userTasks;
    mapping(string => uint256[] )  _projectTasks;

    function getContractBalance() public view returns (uint256){
        return address(this).balance;

    function addToDo(string memory project, string memory title, string memory description, uint256 dueDate, address assignedUser) public payable {
        require(bytes(project).length > 0, "Project is required");
        require(bytes(title).length > 0, "Title is required");
        require(bytes(description).length > 0, "Description is required");
        require(dueDate > 0, "DueDate is required");
        require(assignedUser != address(0), "Assigned User is required");

        uint256 newIndex = _taskList.length;
        _taskList.push(Task(project, title, description, false, dueDate, assignedUser, msg.value, msg.sender));

    function getUserTasks(address user) public view returns (uint256[] memory){
        return _userTasks[user];

    function geProjectTasks(string memory projectName) public view returns (uint256[] memory){
        return _projectTasks[projectName];

    function updateTask(uint256 index, string memory project, string memory title, string memory description, uint256 dueDate, address assignedUser){
        require(bytes(project).length > 0, "Project is required");
        require(bytes(title).length > 0, "Title is required");
        require(bytes(description).length > 0, "Description is required");
        require(dueDate > 0, "DueDate is required");
        require(assignedUser != address(0), "Assigned User is required");

        Task foundTask = _taskList[index];
        require(foundTask.owner == msg.sender, "You do not have the right to update this task");
        // more code to see if the user or project has been assigned and update the Project and User array correctly
        // then update the code


  1. 您可以限制 projecttitle 字段的大小。 EVM 以 256 位的块存储数据。因此,为它们中的每一个使用 128 位(最好更少)会花费更少的 gas,因为 EVM 将在一个块中处理这两个
  2. 您已将分配的用户保留在您的结构中。为用户任务使用第二个 mapping 似乎更快更干净,但存储操作的成本很高。用于该目的的 getter 函数会更便宜。
  3. 与 (2) 相同,但具有项目任务映射。
  4. 你不能有竞争条件。 EVM没有并行的概念。