GLTF - 关节应该如何在动画期间变换

GLTF - how are joints supposed to be transformed during an animation

我正在尝试使用 gltf 2.0 资产实现骨骼动画。




render_scene() {
    render_node(root_node, transform::IDENTIY)

render_node(node, outer_transform) {
    next_transform = outer_transform * node.transform
    if (node.has_skin) {
        update_joint_matrices(next_transform, node.joints)
    if (node.has_mesh) {
        // draw calls
    for child in node.children {
        render_node(child, next_transform)

update_joint_matrices(outer_transform, joints) {
    world_transforms = []
    // Parent nodes are always processed before child nodes
    for joint in joints {
        if joint.is_root {
            world_transforms[joint] = outer_transform * joint.transform
        } else {
            world_transforms[joint] = world_transforms[joint.parent] * joint.transform
    joint_matrices = []
    for joint in 0..world_transforms.len() {
        joint_matrices[joint] = world_transforms[joint] * inverse_bind_matrices[joint]
    // send joint matrices to the GPU


void main() {
    mat4 modelTransform;

    modelTransform =
        (inWeights.x * jointMatrices[int(inJoints.x)]) +
        (inWeights.y * jointMatrices[int(inJoints.y)]) +
        (inWeights.z * jointMatrices[int(inJoints.z)]) +
        (inWeights.w * jointMatrices[int(inJoints.w)]);

    gl_Position = projection * view * modelTransform * vec4(inPos, 1.0);

另外,还有一个note in the spec不太明白:

Only the joint transforms are applied to the skinned mesh; the transform of the skinned mesh node MUST be ignored.

好的,我解决了问题。 问题是我没有正确加载四元数。 四元数应解释为原始 XYZW 值。