
Find the two largest numbers passed on the stack and multiply them, return DX:AX pair

我有一个作业,我们在堆栈上传递了 4 个值(v1、v2、v3、v4),要从四个值中找到两个最大值,然后将它们相乘得到 return DX:AX 对。

这是我到目前为止想出的代码,将所有值相互比较,并将最高值存储在 AX 中,将第二大值存储在 BX 中。问题是代码在 DOSbox 中测试时挂起,我不确定是什么原因造成的。


; Code Segment

    push bp     ; saves the caller's bp
    mov bp,sp   ; loads bp from sp                  

      MOV AX,[bp+4] ;Load v1 to AX
      MOV BX,[bp+6] ;Load v2 to BX
; Find the first largest number

   CMP AX,BX        ;compare value 1 and 2
      JE doubles
      CMP AX,BX
      JA  L2        ;AX > BX, goto L2
      MOV AX,BX     ;make v2 the largest number

   L2:MOV BX,[bp+8] ;Load v3 to BX
      CMP AX,BX     ;compare value AX and v3
      JE doubles
      CMP AX,BX
      JA  L3        ;AX > BX, goto L3
      MOV AX,BX     ;make v3 the largest number

   L3:MOV BX,[bp+10]    ;Load v3 to BX
      CMP AX,BX     ;compare value AX and v4
      JE doubles
      JA  S1        ;AX > BX, goto L3
      MOV AX,BX     ;make v4 the largest number
      JMP s1

      MOV CX,[bp+8] ;mov v3 to cx
      CMP AX,CX     ; BX > CX
      JA  v4bigger  ; yes, skip to v4 test
      MOV AX,CX     ;if no, make CX the new AX
      MOV CX,[bp+10]    ;v4 to CX 
      CMP BX,CX     ;Compare to current highest
      JA mult    
      MOV BX,CX
      JMP mult

; Find the second largest number

   S1:MOV BX,[bp+4] ;Load v1 to BX
      MOV CX,[bp+6] ;load v2 to CX
      CMP AX,BX     ;compare value AX and v1
      JE  v2mov     ;AX = BX, multiply them
      CMP AX,CX     ;compare value AX and v2
      JE  s2        ;AX = CX, mov cx to bx and multiply
      CMP BX,CX     ;Compare v1 and v2
      JA  S2        ;BX > CX goto S2
      MOV BX,CX     ; make v2 the current second highest

   S2:MOV CX,[bp+8] ;load v3 to CX
      CMP AX,CX     ;compare value AX and v3
      JE  s3        ;AX = CX, goto S3
      CMP BX,CX     ;Compare AX and v3
      JA  S3        ;BX > CX goto S3
      MOV BX,CX     ;mov v3  to 2nd highest number spot

   S3:MOV CX,[bp+10]    ;load v4 to CX
      CMP AX,CX     ;compare value AX and v4
      JE  mult      ;AX = CX, goto S3 // mult????
      CMP BX,CX     ;Compare AX and v3
      JA  mult      ;BX > CX goto S3
      MOV BX,CX     ;Make v4 second highest number

      MUL BX        ;multiply ax by bx

      POP BP

         ret                           ;
         end                           ;

您在函数开始时将 bp 压入堆栈。但是您不会 pop 在 returning 之前将其从堆栈中删除。因此,当 ret 指令执行并尝试从堆栈中获取 return 地址时,它会获取 bp 的旧值。