用于更改一行首字母样式的 InDesign 脚本

InDesign script to change the style of the first letter of a line

我正在尝试为 InDesign 编写一个脚本来查找每一段每一行的第一个字符,如果是元音字母则将其更改为另一种颜色。由于这是我在 InDesign 脚本编写方面的第一次尝试,我下载了 Adob​​e 的脚本指南并设法做到了以下几点:


function main() {
    // I don't check if a document is open for now
    var myDocument = app.documents.item(0);
    var myStory = myDocument.stories.item(0);
    var noOfParas = myStory.paragraphs.length;
    for ( var theParaCounter = 0 ; theParaCounter < noOfParas ; theParaCounter++) {
        var currentParaLinesCount = myStory.paragraphs.item(theParaCounter).lines.length;

        for (var theLineCounter = 0 ; theLineCounter < currentParaLinesCount - 1 ; theLineCounter++ ) {
            var theCurrentLine = myStory.paragraphs.item(theParaCounter).lines.item(theLineCounter).contents;
            var theFirstChar = theCurrentLine.charAt(0);
            if ( theFirstChar == 'a' || theFirstChar == 'e' || theFirstChar == 'i' || 
                theFirstChar == 'o' || theFirstChar == 'u') {
                theFirstChar.appliedCharacterStyle = 'Highlighted';


function createCharacterStyle() {
    var myDocument = app.documents.item(0);
    // Create the highlight color
    try {
        myColor = myDocument.colors.item('Red');
        myName = myColor.name;
    catch ( myError ) {
        myColor = myDocument.colors.add({name:'Red', model:ColorModel.process, colorValue:[0,100,100,0]});

    // Create a new Character Style
    try {
        myCharStyle = myDocument.characterStyles.item('Highlighted');
        myName = myCharStyle.name;
    catch ( myError ) {
        myCharStyle = myDocument.characterStyles.add({name:'Highlighted'});
    myCharStyle.fillColor = myColor;
    myCharStyle.underline = true;

首先我创建字符样式(红色下划线),然后遍历这些行。循环有效,并找到第一个字符。问题是样式从未应用过。 任何帮助将不胜感激。谢谢!


theFirstChar.appliedCharacterStyle = 'Highlighted';


myStory.paragraphs[theParaCounter].lines[theLineCounter].characters[0].appliedCharacterStyle = 'Highlighted';

问题是您代码中的 theFirstChar 只是一个字符串,一个文本。它没有 属性 appliedCharacterStyle。您必须从 story/paragraph/line 中获取对象 characterstories[0].paragraphs[counter].lines[counter].character[0] 如果您想在其上应用字符样式。



if ('aeiou'.indexOf(theFirstChar.toLowerCase()) > -1) {


if ( theFirstChar == 'a' || theFirstChar == 'e' || theFirstChar == 'i' || 
                theFirstChar == 'o' || theFirstChar == 'u') {

.toLowerCase() 使条件不区分大小写。如果你需要的话。


function main() {
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var story = doc.stories[0];
    var paragraphs = story.paragraphs.everyItem().getElements();
    while (paragraphs.length) {
        var lines = paragraphs.shift().lines.everyItem().getElements();
        while (lines.length) {
            var character = lines.shift().characters[0];
            if ('aeiou'.indexOf(character.contents.toLowerCase()) < 0) continue;
            character.appliedCharacterStyle = 'Highlighted';