关于 YouTube API 配额的进一步解释:例如。 `search?maxResults` 加起来了吗?

Further explanations on YouTube API quota: eg. does `search?maxResults` add up?

所以,我有点困惑 youtube API 查询对配额的影响。他们都列出了请购单的“组成”方面:

Quota calculator显示各种资源的成本。 例如 search.list = 100videos.list = 1.

虽然我不清楚其中的一个方面。它如何根据 'multi-results' 单个请求进行计算?

query quota doubt
/search?maxResults=10 is it one 100 quota, or ten 100 (1000) quotas?
/videos?id=A,B is it one quota, or two quotas?
/video?part=A,B is this adding two quotas? (each video??) Since no ?part= returns only id related data
/...?fields=A,B(C) is fields query impacting the request quota anyhow?

一开始以为真的很简单:1 call, 1 quota "package"。这个计算器的引用似乎支持了这一点:

If your application calls a method, such as search.list, that returns multiple pages of results, each request to retrieve an additional page of results incurs the estimated quota cost.




search.list 100

当您调用 search.list 时,它会花费 100,如果您再次调用它以获得下一页结果,它将再花费您 100 积分。





Intro to YouTube API and cost based quota for beginners

很多信息都在 Quota cost 页面上。

The table below shows the quota cost for calling each API method. All API requests, including invalid requests, incur a quota cost of at least one point.

  • If your application calls a method, such as search.list, that returns multiple pages of results, each request to retrieve an additional page of results incurs the estimated quota cost.