使用 .format() 方法超出范围的元组索引

Tuple Index out of range using .format() method

我正在为随机报价程序编写一些非常简单的代码 - 已阅读有关此问题的各种主题,但无法发现我的错误。该错误在倒数第二行触发。提前致谢。

enter code here enter code here随机导入

quote_str = [
["Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all",
        "Alfred Lord Tennyson"],
["To be or not to be, that is the question.","William Shakespeare"],
["No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.","Eleanor Roosevelt"],
["You are your best thing.","Toni Morrison"]]

x = random.choice([0,1,2,3])

quote = "Quote: {0} Author: {1}".format(quote_str[x][0])

您错过了为 {1} 提供 quote 的价值。将 quote 更新为这个并且它有效。

quote = "Quote: {0} Author: {1}".format(quote_str[x][0], quote_str[x][1])


Quote: You are your best thing. Author: Toni Morrison

要补充以上答案,如果您使用 Python 3.6 and above,您也可以使用 f-strings。您可以按如下方式使用它:

quote = f"Quote: {quote_str[x][0]} Author: {quote_str[x][1]}"