如何在 Rust 中将变量设置为泛型 Trait 的实现?

How to set a variable to implementations of generic typed Trait in rust?

我是 Rust 的新手,我正在尝试编写一个应用程序,它基本上使用许多可能的服务之一来获取一些数据,然后 运行 对其进行格式化并保存到我的数据库中。

我正在尝试做一些类似于 Java 的通用接口,以根据命令行输入实例化正确的服务并在整个程序中使用它。


use anyhow::Result;

pub trait Service<T> {
    fn get_values(&self, id: u64) -> T;
    fn convert_data(&self, input: T, output: &mut Vec<MyDataStruct>) -> Result<String>;


struct ServiceA {
    clientA: DataRetrieverForA,

struct ServiceB {
    clientB: DataRetrieverForB,

impl Service<Result<ADataStruct>> for ServiceA {
    fn get_values(&self, id: u64) -> Result<ADataStruct>;
    fn convert_data(&self, input: Result<ADataStruct>, output: &mut Vec<MyDataStruct>) -> Result<String>;

impl Service<BDataStruct> for ServiceB {
    fn get_values(&self, id: u64) -> BDataStruct;
    fn convert_data(&self, input: BDataStruct, output: &mut Vec<MyDataStruct>) -> Result<String>;

self.get_values(id) 使用 self.clientX 检索数据,self.convert_data(input, &mut output) t运行 将数据从 ADataStructBDataStruct 转换为 MyDataStruct 在将其保存到我的数据库之前。

应用程序将 运行 使用 ServiceAServiceB 取决于命令行输入:

fn main() {
    // ...

    let service: Box<&(dyn Service<_>)> = match cli_service {
        Service::A => { Box::new(&ServiceA::new(...) }
        Service::B => { Box::new(&ServiceB::new(...) }


我尝试了很多更改,主要基于 https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch10-02-traits.html and https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch17-02-trait-objects.html,但我找不到一个示例来处理使用特征定义中的泛型类型的函数。当我删除通用 参数并将其固定为一些通用结构以进行测试时,代码已编译并且 运行 没有错误。所以我猜我的错误是 generic/trait 用法。


error[E0277]: the trait bound `ServiceB: Service<ADataStruct>` is not satisfied
  --> ori-runner\src\main.rs:40:37
40 | ... { Box::new(&ServiceB::new(params)...
   |       -------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `Service<ADataStruct>` is not implemented for `ServiceB`
   |       |
   |       required by a bound introduced by this call
   = help: the following implementations were found:
             <ServiceB as Service<BDataStructure>>
   = note: required for the cast to the object type `dyn Service<ADataStruct>>`

我做错了什么?很明显,第一个匹配类型定义了 dyn 服务变量的“_”,但我没有想法,google 搜索...


由于类型不同,一种选择是将它们包装在 enum 中,并有一些 method/s 用于根据决策计算所需的任何内容。枚举包装器将抽象服务操作。

struct DataRetrieverForA {}
struct DataRetrieverForB {}

struct ADataStruct {}
struct BDataStruct {}
struct MyDataStruct {}

struct ServiceA {
    clientA: DataRetrieverForA,

struct ServiceB {
    clientB: DataRetrieverForB,

impl ServiceA {
    fn get_values(&self, id: u64) -> Result<ADataStruct, ()> {
        Ok(ADataStruct {})
    fn convert_data(
        input: Result<ADataStruct, ()>,
        output: &mut Vec<MyDataStruct>,
    ) -> Result<String, ()> {

impl ServiceB {
    fn get_values(&self, id: u64) -> BDataStruct {
        BDataStruct {}
    fn convert_data(
        input: BDataStruct,
        output: &mut Vec<MyDataStruct>,
    ) -> Result<String, ()> {

enum Services {

impl Services {
    fn a() -> Self {
        Self::A(ServiceA {
            clientA: DataRetrieverForA {},

    fn b() -> Self {
        Self::B(ServiceB {
            clientB: DataRetrieverForB {},

    fn compute(self) {

fn main() {
    let arg = "a";

    let service = match arg {
        "a" => Services::a(),
        _ => Services::b(),
