C# 提高链表的性能

C# Increasing performance of a Linked List

我正在研究 SPOJ 问题,您必须编写一个算法,根据输入字符串条件输出新字符串,但不能超过时间限制。 problem link

我能得到的最快的是使用两个堆栈,但仍然超过了时间限制,现在我尝试实现双向链表,但它比我使用堆栈时慢两倍。您是否知道如何提高已实现链表的性能,或者我应该使用其他数据结构来解决这个问题?考虑将 Node 实现为一个结构,但不确定是否可以做到。

using System;

namespace spoj
    class LinkedList
        private Node head;
        private Node tail;
        private int length;

        public Node Head { get => head; }
        public Node Tail { get => tail; }
        public int Length { get => length; }

        public LinkedList(Node head = null, Node tail = null, int length = 0)
            this.head = head;
            this.tail = tail;
            this.length = length;

        public void AddFirst(char value)
            var addFirst = new Node(value);
            addFirst.Next = head;
            addFirst.Previous = null;
            if (head != null)
                head.Previous = addFirst;
            head = addFirst;

        public void Remove(Node node)
            if (node.Previous == null)
                head = node.Next;
                head.Previous = null;
            else if (node.Next == null)
                tail = node.Previous;
                tail.Next = null;
                Node temp1 = node.Previous;
                Node temp2 = node.Next;
                temp1.Next = temp2;
                temp2.Previous = temp1;

        public void AddAfter(Node node, char input)
            var newNode = new Node(input);
            if (node.Next == null)
                node.Next = newNode;
                newNode.Previous = node;
                Node temp1 = node;
                Node temp2 = node.Next;
                temp1.Next = newNode;
                newNode.Previous = temp1;
                newNode.Next = temp2;
                temp2.Previous = newNode;

        public string Print()
            string temp = "";
            if (head == null)
                return temp;
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                temp += head.Value;
                head = head.Next;
            return temp;

    class Node
        private char value;
        private Node next;
        private Node previous;

        public char Value { get => value; }
        public Node Next { get => next; set { next = value; } }
        public Node Previous { get => previous; set { previous = value; } }

        public Node(char value)
            this.value = value;
            next = null;
            previous = null;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            int testNum = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            for (int i = 0; i < testNum; i++)
                var list = new LinkedList();
                string input = Console.ReadLine();
                var node = list.Head;

                for (int j = 0; j < input.Length; j++)
                    if ((input[j] == '<' && node == null) | (input[j] == '>' && (node == null || node.Next == null)) | (input[j] == '-' && (node == null || node.Previous == null)))
                    else if (input[j] == '<')
                        node = node.Previous;
                    else if (input[j] == '>')
                        node = node.Next;
                    else if (input[j] == '-')
                        node = node.Previous;
                        if (node == null)
                            node = list.Head;
                        list.AddAfter(node, input[j]);
                        node = node.Next;





使用链表的实现不会像使用 StringBuilder, but assuming you are asking about a linked list based implementation I would suggest not to reimplement LinkedList. Just use the native one 的那样快。


  • 定义列表节点的类型为char:new LinkedList<char>();
  • 而不是 .Head 使用 .First
  • 而不是 .Print 使用 string.Join("", list)


  • 当输入为>时,您应该允许逻辑在nodenull时执行。目前你continue,但是一个null可能意味着你的“光标”在non-empty列表的前面,所以你还是应该处理它,将“光标”移动到list.First

  • 当输入为-时,即使node.Previousnull,你仍然应该执行删除,因为它不是 previous 节点被移除,但是 current 节点。我们应该想象光标位于两个连续的节点之间,并且您的删除逻辑表明您将光标位于当前 nodenode.Next 之间作为规则。您也可以采取另一种方法(光标位于 before node),但重要的是您的所有逻辑都与此选择一致。

  • 在执行 - 的逻辑时——与上一点一致——你应该考虑到 node.Previous 可能是 null,并且在那种情况下,您不能像您那样进行删除。相反,您可以先将节点引用分配给临时变量,然后移动光标,然后删除临时引用所引用的节点。

这是更正后的代码,使用本机 LinkedList 实现。我在每个单独的案例中移动了无所事事的逻辑(你的 continue),因为我发现更容易 understand/debug:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Test
    public static void Main()
        int testNum = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        for (int i = 0; i < testNum; i++)
            var list = new LinkedList<char>();
            string input = Console.ReadLine();
            var node = list.First;
            for (int j = 0; j < input.Length; j++)
                if (input[j] == '<')
                    if (node != null)
                        node = node.Previous;
                else if (input[j] == '>')
                    if (node == null || node.Next != null)
                        node = node == null ? list.First : node.Next;
                else if (input[j] == '-')
                    if (node != null) {
                        var temp = node;
                        node = node.Previous;
                    node = node == null ? list.AddFirst(input[j]) 
                                        : list.AddAfter(node, input[j]);
            Console.WriteLine(string.Join("", list));