对 CSV 原始字符串数据进行排序的有效方法

Efficient way to Sort CSV raw string data

我有如下所述的原始 csv 数据


在上面提到的字符串中,列以逗号 , 分隔,第一行是 column 并且在每个 \n 之后是一个新行,其中数据是针对每个人的。我在这里想要实现的是它应该按如下所述进行排序。

  39,101, 145,10,100\n



        string data = "James,Mary,Patricia,Anthony,Donald\n145,10,100,39,101\n21,212,313,28,1";

        var rows = data.Split('\n');
        var unorderedNames = rows[0].Split(',');


根据 , 逗号拆分名称 -

现在,如果我实施排序,我相信我会丢失所有引用,因为名称将被排序,但下面第 2 行和第 3 行中提到的付款不会。



我认为问题在于您想要将 CSV 的 headers 排序为某种“任意”顺序,并让数据“随之而来”


var lines = File.ReadAllLines("path");

var data = lines.Skip(1).Select(line => line.Split(',')).ToArray(); //nasty way of parsing a CSV but it's accessory to this discussion..

var head = lines[0]
             .Select((s,i) => new { Name = s, Index = i })
             .OrderBy(at => at.Name)

head 现在是排序后的 headers,但它有一个额外的 属性,它告诉您 data 中的哪一列包含该人的数据。 Anthony 在 heaD 中排名第一,但他们的 Index 是 3 所以我们应该从 data[3]

中获取 Anthony 的数据
foreach(var person in head){
  Console.WriteLine($"Now printing {person.name} data from column {person.Index}");

  foreach(var line in data){


我们没有对数据进行排序(不排序效率更高),我们只是将它所在的列存储为确实排序的 object 的一部分,然后不管人员排序顺序如何,我们通过该列访问数据。排序 head 非常快,因为它只是几个名字。它始终保持其“数据在哪里”的地图,因为 Index 不会改变,无论 head

public class StackDemo
        private string source = "James,Mary,Patricia,Anthony,Donald\n145,10,100,39,101\n21,212,313,28,1";

        public string ProcessString()

            var rows = source.Split('\n');

            var row1Values = rows[0].Split(',');
            var row2Values = rows[1].Split(',');
            var row3Values = rows[2].Split(',');

            List<Person> people = new List<Person>();
            for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++)
                people.Add(new Person()
                    Name = row1Values[index],
                    SomeValue = row2Values[index],
                    OtherValue = row3Values[index]

            people.Sort((x, y) => x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name));

            List<string> names = new List<string>();
            List<string> someValues = new List<string>();
            List<string> otherValues = new List<string>();

            foreach (Person p in people)

            string result = "";
            result = BuildString(names, result);
            result = BuildString(someValues, result);
            result = BuildString(otherValues, result);

            result = result.Remove(result.Length - 1, 1);

            return result;

        private static string BuildString(List<string> names, string result)
            foreach (string s in names)
                result += s + ",";

            result = result.Remove(result.Length - 1, 1);
            result += "\n";
            return result;

    public class Person
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string SomeValue { get; set; }
        public string OtherValue { get; set; }


它 returns 与接收到的格式相同的字符串。



public class UnitTest1
        public void TestWith5()
            string input = "James,Mary,Patricia,Anthony,Donald\n145,10,100,39,101\n21,212,313,28,1";
            string expected = "Anthony,Donald,James,Mary,Patricia\n39,101,145,10,100\n28,1,21,212,313";

            // arrange
            StackDemo3 subject = new StackDemo3();

            // act
            string actualResult = subject.ProcessString(input);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actualResult);

        public void TestWith4()
            string input = "James,Mary,Patricia,Anthony,\n145,10,100,39,\n21,212,313,28,";
            string expected = ",Anthony,James,Mary,Patricia\n,39,145,10,100\n,28,21,212,313";

            // arrange
            StackDemo3 subject = new StackDemo3();

            // act
            string actualResult = subject.ProcessString(input);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actualResult);

        public void TestWith3()
            string input = "James,Mary,Patricia,,\n145,10,100,,\n21,212,313,,";
            string expected = ",,James,Mary,Patricia\n,,145,10,100\n,,21,212,313";

            // arrange
            StackDemo3 subject = new StackDemo3();

            // act
            string actualResult = subject.ProcessString(input);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actualResult);

        public void TestWith2()
            string input = ",,James,Mary,\n,,145,10,\n,,21,212,";
            string expected = ",,,James,Mary\n,,,145,10\n,,,21,212";

            // arrange
            StackDemo3 subject = new StackDemo3();

            // act
            string actualResult = subject.ProcessString(input);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actualResult);

        public void TestWith1()
            string input = "James,,,,\n145,,,,\n21,,,,";
            string expected = "James,,,,\n145,,,,\n21,,,,";

            // arrange
            StackDemo3 subject = new StackDemo3();

            // act
            string actualResult = subject.ProcessString(input);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actualResult);

        public void TestWith0()
            string input = ",,,,\n,,,,\n,,,,";
            string expected = ",,,,\n,,,,\n,,,,";

            // arrange
            StackDemo3 subject = new StackDemo3();

            // act
            string actualResult = subject.ProcessString(input);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(expected, actualResult);


public interface IStringPeopleParser
    List<Person> ConvertToPeople(string input);

public interface IPeopleStringParser
    string ConvertPeopleToString(List<Person> people);

public class PeopleStringParser : IPeopleStringParser
        public string ConvertPeopleToString(List<Person> people)
            List<string> names = new List<string>();
            List<string> someValues = new List<string>();
            List<string> otherValues = new List<string>();

            foreach (Person p in people)

            string output = "";
            output += string.Join(",", names);
            output += "\n";
            output += string.Join(",", someValues);
            output += "\n";
            output += string.Join(",", otherValues);

            return output;

public class StringPeopleParser : IStringPeopleParser
        public List<Person> ConvertToPeople(string source)
            var rows = source.Split('\n');

            string[] row1Values = rows[0].Split(',');
            string[] row2Values = rows[1].Split(',');
            string[] row3Values = rows[2].Split(',');

            List<Person> people = new List<Person>();
            for (int index = 0; index < row1Values.Length; index++)
                people.Add(new Person()
                    Name = row1Values[index],
                    SomeValue = row2Values[index],
                    OtherValue = row3Values[index]

            return people;

public class StackDemo3
        IStringPeopleParser stringPeopleParser = new StringPeopleParser();
        IPeopleStringParser peopleStringParser = new PeopleStringParser();

        public string ProcessString(string s) {
            List<Person> people = stringPeopleParser.ConvertToPeople(s);
            int validCount = people.Where(x => x.IsValid()).Count();
            switch (validCount)
                case 0:
                case 1:
                        return peopleStringParser.ConvertPeopleToString(people);
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                case 5:
                        people = people.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
                        return peopleStringParser.ConvertPeopleToString(people);
                        return "";//outside bounds of reality. Should never happen.


public class Person
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string SomeValue { get; set; }
        public string OtherValue { get; set; }

        public bool IsValid() {
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SomeValue) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(OtherValue))
                return false;
            return true;

我也不知道你为什么不要这个人class? 您需要通过创建 Person class 在每行中的 3 个可能值之间进行引用(索引值是键),class 实例成为所述引用。