GraphQL - 传递凭据的最佳方式

GraphQL - Best way of passing credentials

如果我有GraphQL query/mutation 需要传递登录信息,我应该怎么做?我应该在查询本身中传递它还是将它传递到请求的 headers 中?例如:

  login: {
    username: "some username",
    password: "c29tZSBwYXNzd29yZA=="
  },# should login be passed here or just put into the headers?
  data: {
    a: "b"

登录凭据应像这样放在 argument 中:

mutation Login($password, $username) { // put credentials here
  login(password: $password, username: $usernameOrEmail) {
    // belows are the field you want to return after user login
    user {
        username  // return username is generally a common practice
        token     // just like what we usually do in a REST api
    }             // return the things client mutated/updated
        // alternatively return a optional errors field
        // when things go south

在您的 graphql 服务器中,您可以通过 args 访问凭据:

async function login(parent, args, context, info) {
  const {username, password} = args // we get the credentials here

  ...  // your password hashing and db stuff

  return {