Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit at R startup

Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit at R startup

每次我在 RStudio 中打开一个新会话时,都会收到错误消息:

Error: C stack usage  7953936 is too close to the limit

根据 and here 发布的类似问题的建议,我尝试在终端中使用 ulimit 命令,但出现以下错误。

Isabels-MacBook-Pro ~ % ulimit -s

Isabels-MacBook-Pro ~ % R --slave -e 'Cstack_info()["size"]'
Error: C stack usage  7954496 is too close to the limit
Execution halted

然而,当我 运行 自己使用 ulimit 时,我得到:

Isabels-MacBook-Pro ~ % ulimit


Isabels-MacBook-Pro ~ % ulimit -s unlimited


Isabels-MacBook-Pro ~ % R --slave -e 'Cstack_info()["size"]'
Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?
Execution halted

我不知道这在这种情况下意味着什么。 Cstack_info() 是否卡在了无限递归中?我很想弄清楚这个问题,因为它妨碍了安装一些必要的软件包!


R version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Monterey 12.2.1

以及 .Rprofile 的内容

# REMEMBER to restart R after you modify and save this file!

# First, execute the global .Rprofile if it exists. You may configure blogdown
# options there, too, so they apply to any blogdown projects. Feel free to
# ignore this part if it sounds too complicated to you.
if (file.exists("~/.Rprofile")) {
  base::sys.source("~/.Rprofile", envir = environment())

# Now set options to customize the behavior of blogdown for this project. Below
# are a few sample options; for more options, see
  # to automatically serve the site on RStudio startup, set this option to TRUE
  blogdown.serve_site.startup = FALSE,
  # to disable knitting Rmd files on save, set this option to FALSE
  blogdown.knit.on_save = TRUE,
  # build .Rmd to .html (via Pandoc); to build to Markdown, set this option to 'm$
  blogdown.method = 'html'

# fix Hugo version
options(blogdown.hugo.version = "0.82.0")

这是来自 /Library/Frameworks/R 的内容。framework/Resources/library/base/R/Rprofile

### This is the system Rprofile file. It is always run on startup.
### Additional commands can be placed in site or user Rprofile files
### (see ?Rprofile).

### Copyright (C) 1995-2020 The R Core Team

### Notice that it is a bad idea to use this file as a template for
### personal startup files, since things will be executed twice and in
### the wrong environment (user profiles are run in .GlobalEnv).

.GlobalEnv <- globalenv()
attach(NULL, name = "Autoloads")
.AutoloadEnv <- as.environment(2)
assign(".Autoloaded", NULL, envir = .AutoloadEnv)
R.version <- structure(R.Version(), class = "simple.list")
version <- R.version            # for S compatibility

## for backwards compatibility only
R.version.string <- R.version$version.string

## NOTA BENE: options() for non-base package functionality are in places like
##            --------- ../utils/R/zzz.R

options(keep.source = interactive())
options(warn = 0)
# options(repos = c(CRAN="@CRAN@"))
# options(BIOC = "")

## setting from an env variable added in 4.0.2
local({to <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("R_DEFAULT_INTERNET_TIMEOUT", 60))
    if ( || to <= 0) to <- 60L
    options(timeout = to)
options(encoding = "native.enc")
options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
## keep in sync with PrintDefaults() in  ../../main/print.c :
options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
## keep in sync with PrintDefaults() in  ../../main/print.c :
options(scipen = 0)
options(max.print = 99999)# max. #{entries} in internal printMatrix()
options(add.smooth = TRUE)# currently only used in 'plot.lm'

                                 "FALSE")))) {
    options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
    options(stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

if(!interactive() && is.null(getOption("showErrorCalls")))
    options(showErrorCalls = TRUE)

local({dp <- Sys.getenv("R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES")
       if(identical(dp, "")) ## it fact methods is done first
           dp <- c("datasets", "utils", "grDevices", "graphics",
                   "stats", "methods")
       else if(identical(dp, "NULL")) dp <- character(0)
       else dp <- strsplit(dp, ",")[[1]]
       dp <- sub("[[:blank:]]*([[:alnum:]]+)", "\1", dp) # strip whitespace
       options(defaultPackages = dp)

## Expand R_LIBS_* environment variables.
Sys.setenv(R_LIBS_SITE =
Sys.setenv(R_LIBS_USER =

    if(nzchar(tl <- Sys.getenv("R_SESSION_TIME_LIMIT_CPU")))
        setSessionTimeLimit(cpu = tl)
    if(nzchar(tl <- Sys.getenv("R_SESSION_TIME_LIMIT_ELAPSED")))
        setSessionTimeLimit(elapsed = tl)

        setSessionTimeLimit(elapsed = tl)

.First.sys <- function()
    for(pkg in getOption("defaultPackages")) {
        res <- require(pkg, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE,
                       character.only = TRUE)
            warning(gettextf('package %s in options("defaultPackages") was not found', sQuote(pkg)$
                    call. = FALSE, domain = NA)

## called at C level in the startup process prior to .First.sys
.OptRequireMethods <- function()
    pkg <- "methods" # done this way to avoid R CMD check warning
    if(pkg %in% getOption("defaultPackages"))
        if(!require(pkg, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE,
                    character.only = TRUE))
            warning('package "methods" in options("defaultPackages") was not found',
                    call. = FALSE)

if(nzchar(Sys.getenv("R_BATCH"))) {
    .Last.sys <- function()
        cat("> proc.time()\n")
    ## avoid passing on to spawned R processes
    ## A system has been reported without Sys.unsetenv, so try this

    if(nzchar(rv <- Sys.getenv("_R_RNG_VERSION_")))

    if(nzchar(rv <- Sys.getenv("_R_RNG_VERSION_")))

.sys.timezone <- NA_character_
.First <- NULL
.Last <- NULL
###-*- R -*- Unix Specific ----

.Library <- file.path(R.home(), "library") <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_SITE") <- if(!nzchar( file.path(R.home(), "site-library") else unlist(strspl$ <-[file.exists(]

invisible(.libPaths(c(unlist(strsplit(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS"), ":")),
                      unlist(strsplit(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"), ":")
    popath <- Sys.getenv("R_TRANSLATIONS", "")
    if(!nzchar(popath)) {
        paths <- file.path(.libPaths(), "translations", "DESCRIPTION")
        popath <- dirname(paths[file.exists(paths)][1])
    bindtextdomain("R", popath)
    bindtextdomain("R-base", popath)
    assign(".popath", popath, .BaseNamespaceEnv)
## we distinguish between R_PAPERSIZE as set by the user and by configure
papersize <- Sys.getenv("R_PAPERSIZE_USER")
if(!nchar(papersize)) {
    lcpaper <- Sys.getlocale("LC_PAPER") # might be null: OK as nchar is 0
    papersize <- if(nchar(lcpaper))
        if(length(grep("(_US|_CA)", lcpaper))) "letter" else "a4"
    else Sys.getenv("R_PAPERSIZE")
options(papersize = papersize,

options(papersize = papersize,
        printcmd = Sys.getenv("R_PRINTCMD"),
        dvipscmd = Sys.getenv("DVIPS", "dvips"),
        texi2dvi = Sys.getenv("R_TEXI2DVICMD"),
        browser = Sys.getenv("R_BROWSER"),
        pager = file.path(R.home(), "bin", "pager"),
        pdfviewer = Sys.getenv("R_PDFVIEWER"),
        useFancyQuotes = TRUE)

## non standard settings for the GUI of the macOS port
if(.Platform$GUI == "AQUA") {
    ## this is set to let RAqua use both X11 device and X11/TclTk
    if (Sys.getenv("DISPLAY") == "")
        Sys.setenv("DISPLAY" = ":0")

    ## this is to allow gfortran compiler to work
    Sys.setenv("PATH" = paste(Sys.getenv("PATH"),":/usr/local/bin",sep = ""))
}## end "Aqua"

## de-dupe the environment on macOS (bug in Yosemite which affects things like PATH)
if (grepl("^darwin", R.version$os)) local({
    ## we have to de-dupe one at a time and re-check since the bug affects how
    ## environment modifications propagate
    while(length(dupes <- names(Sys.getenv())[table(names(Sys.getenv())) > 1])) {
        env <- dupes[1]
        value <- Sys.getenv(env)
        Sys.unsetenv(env)             ## removes the dupes, good
        .Internal(Sys.setenv(env, value)) ## wrapper requries named vector, a pain, hence internal

    tests_startup <- Sys.getenv("R_TESTS")
    if(nzchar(tests_startup)) source(tests_startup)


您的用户 .Rprofile 文件出于某种原因正在递归加载自身:

if (file.exists("~/.Rprofile")) {
  base::sys.source("~/.Rprofile", envir = environment())

从您的评论来看,这些行似乎在 inside ~/.Rprofile~ 扩展到用户主目录,即 /Users/mycomputer in你的情况,假设 mycomputer 是你的用户名)。

删除这些行(或将它们注释掉),它们不属于这里。事实上,该文件看起来像是 project-specific .Rprofile 配置的模板。它在项目目录中是有意义的,但作为 profile-wide 用户 .Rprofile.

logic for these files如下:

  • 如果当前目录中有 .Rprofile 文件,R 会尝试加载该文件。
  • 否则,如果环境变量 R_PROFILE_USER 设置为文件路径,R 会尝试加载该文件。
  • 否则,如果文件 ~/.Rprofile 存在,R 会尝试加载它。

现在,这意味着如果 projects-specific(= 在当前工作目录中).Rprofile 存在,则 ~/.Rprofile 不会 自动加载.这很不幸,因此许多项目将类似于上面的行添加到它们的 project-specific .Rprofile 文件中,以导致 user-wide ~/.Rprofile 也被加载。但是,上面的实现忽略了 R_PROFILE_USER 环境变量。因此,更好的实现如下所示:

rprofile = Sys.getenv('R_PROFILE_USER', '~/.Rprofile')
if (file.exists(rprofile)) {
  base::sys.source(rprofile, envir = environment())

成功!谢谢评论里的每一个人。通过删除 /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library/base/R/Rprofile 和 re-installing R 和 Rstudio.
