复杂 SQL 用于在大型 table 上进行更新和删除

Complicated SQL for update and delete on a large table

我在 PostgreSQL 中遇到了一个复杂的 SQL 问题SQL。

假设我有一个名为“selling_prices”的大型 table。它包含大约 1900 万行。我想删除一些重复的行并更新一些数据。这是table结构:

seq customer_co_cd item_sku seliing_tanka_rate updatedate
1 1414343 sku001 0.4 2021-01-18 14:34:48
2 1414343 sku001 0.4 2021-01-18 14:34:48
3 1414343 sku001 0.4 2021-01-16 01:34:48
4 1512333 sku002 0.2 2021-01-16 01:34:48
5 1512333 sku002 0.5 2021-01-16 01:34:48


条件一:如果customer_co_cditem_skuselling_tanka_rate 是一样的,将最新的更新日期更新为“2021/11/12”并删除其他数据。

在 SQL table 之后应该是这样的:删除 seq(2,3) 并更新 seq 1

seq customer_co_cd item_sku seliing_tanka_rate updatedate
1 1414343 sku001 0.4 2021-11-12 00:00:00

条件2:如果(customer_co_cditem_sku) 相同而 selling_tanka_rate 不同则获取数据为组

customer_co_cd item_sku count
1512333 sku002 2

我尝试了一些使用 group by 的查询,但速度很慢...

SELECT customer_co_cd, item_sku, COUNT(*) 
FROM selling_prices 
GROUP BY customer_co_cd,item_sku 

我不知道如何查询条件 1。还有什么是获取条件 2 的有效方法。请记住,大约有 1900 万 数据。


这应该可以满足您的需求 (result here)

select * from t1 order by seq;

-- Update first
with t2 as (
    row_number() over (partition by customer_co_cd,item_sku,seliing_tanka_rate order by customer_co_cd,item_sku,seliing_tanka_rate,seq) as rn,
    lead(seliing_tanka_rate) over (partition by customer_co_cd,item_sku order by customer_co_cd,item_sku,seq) as lead,
  from t1)
update t1
set updatedate = '20211112'
from t2
where t2.seq = t1.seq and t2.rn = 1
and t2.seliing_tanka_rate = t2.lead;

-- delete to keep the wanted records
with t2 as (select row_number() over (partition by customer_co_cd,item_sku,seliing_tanka_rate order by customer_co_cd,item_sku,seliing_tanka_rate,seq) as rn,* from t1)
from t1
where seq in (select seq from t2 where rn > 1);

select * from t1 order by seq;

-- Condition 2
with t2 as (
  select *,
  lead(customer_co_cd) over (partition by customer_co_cd,item_sku) as co_cd,
  lead(item_sku) over (partition by customer_co_cd,item_sku) as sku,
  lead(seliing_tanka_rate) over (partition by customer_co_cd,item_sku) as rate
  from t1
select customer_co_cd,item_sku,
count(*) filter (where customer_co_cd = t2.co_cd and item_sku = t2.sku and seliing_tanka_rate <> t2.rate) + 1 as count
from t2
group by customer_co_cd,item_sku
having count(*) filter (where customer_co_cd = t2.co_cd and item_sku = t2.sku and seliing_tanka_rate <> t2.rate) + 1 > 1

我想 Philippe 已经回答了你的问题,但我会添加一些略有不同的方法。

create temporary table orders (
    seq serial primary key,
  customer_co_cd int,
  item_sku varchar,
  selling_tanka_rate float,
  updated_at date

insert into orders (seq, customer_co_cd, item_sku, selling_tanka_rate, updated_at) values
(1 , 1414343, 'sku001', 0.4, '2021-01-18'),
(2 , 1414343, 'sku001', 0.4, '2021-01-18'),
(3 , 1414343, 'sku001', 0.4, '2021-01-16'),
(4 , 1512333, 'sku002', 0.2, '2021-01-16'),
(5 , 1512333, 'sku002', 0.5, '2021-01-16')

with ranked_orders as (
      row_number() over(partition by customer_co_cd, item_sku, selling_tanka_rate order by updated_at DESC, seq) as recent_updated_at
   from orders
update orders
set updated_at = '2021-11-12' 
from ranked_orders 
    orders.seq = ranked_orders.seq AND 
  ranked_orders.recent_updated_at = 1

select * from orders order by seq ASC; 

 seq | customer_co_cd | item_sku | selling_tanka_rate | updated_at
   1 |        1414343 | sku001   |                0.4 | 2021-11-12
   2 |        1414343 | sku001   |                0.4 | 2021-01-18
   3 |        1414343 | sku001   |                0.4 | 2021-01-16
   4 |        1512333 | sku002   |                0.2 | 2021-11-12
   5 |        1512333 | sku002   |                0.5 | 2021-11-12

delete from orders 
where orders.updated_at <> '2021-11-12' 

select * from orders order by seq ASC; 

 seq | customer_co_cd | item_sku | selling_tanka_rate | updated_at
   1 |        1414343 | sku001   |                0.4 | 2021-11-12
   4 |        1512333 | sku002   |                0.2 | 2021-11-12
   5 |        1512333 | sku002   |                0.5 | 2021-11-12

select t.* from 
( select customer_co_cd, 
         count(distinct selling_tanka_rate) as count
  from orders
  group by (customer_co_cd, item_sku)
) as t
where t.count > 1 //  you may want to remove this. Not sure of your exact requirements.

 customer_co_cd | item_sku | count
        1512333 | sku002   |     2