
What is the Hypervisor mode in arm?


.macro safe_svcmode_maskall reg:req
#if __LINUX_ARM_ARCH__ >= 6 && !defined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)
    mrs \reg , cpsr
    eor \reg, \reg, #HYP_MODE
    tst \reg, #MODE_MASK
    bic \reg , \reg , #MODE_MASK

我发现有一个HYP_MODE,通过一些简单的介绍得知它是hypervisormode.But我在armv7架构参考中没有得到它的详细介绍manual.Actually 没发现manual.It里面的词cannot equal to svc mode,因为svc mode在代码的上下文中也有提到。

此外,我注意到 'reg' 后面有一个 ':req',这是一个 parameter.I 我知道 ':req' 意味着 'reg' 不能 empty.But 我在 gnu arm 汇编器手册中找不到 ':req' 的定义。



But I can't find the definition of ':req' in gnu arm assembler manual.

来自GNU assembler manual,

You can qualify the macro argument to indicate whether all invocations must specify a non-blank value (through ‘:req’), or whether it takes all of the remaining arguments (through ‘:vararg’). You can supply a default value for any macro argument by following the name with ‘=deflt’.


.macro m p1:req, p2=0, p3:vararg

Begin the definition of a macro called m, with at least three arguments. The first argument must always have a value specified, but not the second, which instead has a default value. The third formal will get assigned all remaining arguments specified at invocation time.


I found there is a HYP_MODE and learned through some brief introduction that it is hypervisor mode.But I failed to get its detailed introduction in armv7 architecture reference manual.Actually I did't find the word in the manual.It can't be equal to svc mode,because svc mode is also mentioned in the context of the code.

在某些 CPU 上有 ARMV7A(不是 ARM7M)的管理程序模式,但不是全部。

参见:Hypervisor mode and ARM Virtualization extensions
