
how to make the program ask the user for a input for length and use the input to make the password as long as the user would like

#random password generator
import random
unified_code = "awertyuiosqpdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+"

passlength1=input("how long should your password be")
pass_length2=input("how long should your password be")

def generatrandompaassword():
    length = random.randint(passlength1,pass_length2 )

    password = "" 

    for index in range(length):
        randomCharacter = random.choice(unified_code)
        password = password + randomCharacter

    return password

passworder = generatrandompaassword()
print("This is your new password")

这不会让我 post 出于某种原因什么是评论

这是我几天前开始 python 编写的代码,所以我对它还很陌生


代码 - 您的代码需要稍作改动

# random password generator
import random
unified_code = "awertyuiosqpdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+"

pass_length1 = int(input("What should be the min length your password be: "))
pass_length2 = int(input("What should be the max length your password be: "))

def generatrandompaassword():
    length = random.randint(pass_length1, pass_length2 )
    password = "" 
    for index in range(length):
        randomCharacter = random.choice(unified_code)
        password = password + randomCharacter
    return password

passworder = generatrandompaassword()
print("This is your new password")

您从用户收到的输入是 str 类型,因此您需要将其转换为 int 数据类型。


What should be the min length your password be: 5
What should be the max length your password be: 15
This is your new password


  • 坚持使用 _ 或驼峰式大小写。 pass_length1randomCharacter 是两种风格。
  • 尽量让您的函数名称易于理解。使用 generate_random_password 而不是 generatrandompaassword
  • 前后给space一些给=

Read a bit about python PEP standards to make your code more readable.

我re-wrote你的代码。 您可以阅读评论以了解发生了什么。 本质上,我们有一个将在密码中使用的字符列表。 然后我们询问用户密码的长度,并将其转换为数字。 之后,我们遍历长度并在密码中添加一个随机字符。

import random
characters = "awertyuiosqpdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+"

# Get the length of the password, and cast it to an integer so it can be used in the for loop ahead
length = int(input("how long should your password be? "))

def generatrandompaassword():
    password = ""

    # For every character in the password, get a random character and add that to the password
    for i in range(length):
        password += random.choice(characters)

    return password

# Get the password
password = generatrandompaassword()
print("This is your new password: " + password)