有没有办法在报告执行日保留 SSRS 报告的电子邮件订阅参数值?

Is there a way to retain the email subscription parameter values for a SSRS report for the report execution day?

我使用的是标准版 SSRS 2016,因此无法访问数据驱动订阅。我有一个报告订阅,每天 运行 使用固定的 StartDate 参数和 EndDate 参数的默认值,该参数使用表达式将其值设置为今天的日期。

我需要订阅者在报告计划日期过去后重新使用 link,但订阅电子邮件中的 link 仅包含第一个参数值,因此 EndDate 始终使用今天的日期,而不是生成订阅电子邮件的日期。

我想保留报告当天的参数值 运行。有没有办法强制在电子邮件订阅中包含参数值 link?



您可以创建一个 SQL 服务器作业来发送带有报告的自定义电子邮件 link。

DECLARE @report_url NVARCHAR(500) = ''; --update the report url here

   SET @email_body = '<html><body>Hi,   
   You can access the report in the link below.
   <a href="' + @report_url + '">Your Report</a>

   EXEC [msdb].[dbo].[sp_send_dbmail] 
      @profile_name = 'YourProfileNameHere', 
      @body = @email_body, 
      @body_format = 'HTML', 
      @recipients = 'first.last@yourcompany.com; first.last@yourcompany.com', 
      @blind_copy_recipients = 'first.last@yourcompany.com', 
      @subject = 'Report Email Subject', 
      @query_result_no_padding = 1;
   WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02';


=Globals!ReportServerUrl + "/ReportServer?"
+ Replace(Globals!ReportFolder, " ", "+") + "%2f"
+ Replace(Globals!ReportName, " ", "+")
+ "&ReportFolder=" + Join(Parameters!ReportFolder.Value, "&ReportFolder=")
+ "&SearchType=" + Join(Parameters!SearchType.Value, "&SearchType=")
+ IIf(IsNothing(Parameters!SearchFor.Value), "&SearchFor:IsNull=True", "&SearchFor=" + Parameters!SearchFor.Value)
+ IIf(IsNothing(Parameters!CreatedDateFrom.Value), "&CreatedDateFrom:IsNull=True", "&CreatedDateFrom=" + Format(Parameters!CreatedDateFrom.Value, Variables!FormatDate.Value))
+ IIf(IsNothing(Parameters!CreatedDateTo.Value), "&CreatedDateTo:IsNull=True", "&CreatedDateTo=" + Format(Parameters!CreatedDateTo.Value, Variables!FormatDate.Value))
+ IIf(IsNothing(Parameters!ModifiedDateFrom.Value), "&ModifiedDate:IsNull=True", "&ModifiedDateFrom=" + Format(Parameters!ModifiedDateFrom.Value, Variables!FormatDate.Value))
+ IIf(IsNothing(Parameters!ModifiedDateTo.Value), "&ModifiedDateTo:IsNull=True", "&ModifiedDateTo=" + Format(Parameters!ModifiedDateTo.Value, Variables!FormatDate.Value))
+ "&CreatedBy=" + Join(Parameters!CreatedBy.Value, "&CreatedBy=")
+ "&ModifiedBy=" + Join(Parameters!ModifiedBy.Value, "&ModifiedBy=")
+ "&ShowSql=" + CStr(Parameters!ShowSql.Value)
To use Null as a parameter value use: [Parameter Name]:IsNull=True
To use multi value parameters, you must use the Join function
To use boolean values, you must change it to a string e.g. CStr or .ToString()
Name Description
rs:Format Rendering modes you can pass are HTML3.2, HTML4.0, MHTML, IMAGE, EXCEL, WORD, CSV, PDF, XML, defaults to HTML4.0
rc:Zoom Specified in percentages, supports Page%20Width and Whole%20Page, defaults to 100%
rc:Toolbar True/False, used to show/hide the toolbar, defaults to true
rc:Parameters True/False/Collapsed, used to show/hide/collapse the parameters in the toolbar, defaults to true
rc:DocMap True/False, used to show/hide document map, defaults to true (not shown unless report has document map)
rc:Section Specifies default page number to display, defaults to 1
rc:BookMarkID Jumps to a specific bookmark in a report
rc:FindString Provides search criteria to the report and finds the first instance of the string specified