在哪里可以找到对函数 write 的引用?

Where can I find a reference to the function write?

我有以下用于定义 streambuf class 的代码。我必须使它适应我的需要。在此之前,我必须了解代码的实际工作原理。谁能告诉我在哪里可以找到对 flushBuffer.write 函数的引用。它需要 3 个参数和 returns 一个 int。 std::streambuf没有这样的会员...

//code taken from: The C++ Standard Library Second Edition, Nicolai M. Josuttis, p. 837

class Outbuf_buffered_orig : public std::streambuf {
        static const int bufferSize = 10; // size of data buffer
        char buffer[bufferSize]; // data buffer
        // constructor
        // - initialize data buffer
        // - one character less to let the bufferSizeth character cause a call of overflow()
        Outbuf_buffered_orig() {
        setp (buffer, buffer+(bufferSize-1));
        // destructor
        // - flush data buffer
        virtual ~Outbuf_buffered_orig() {

        // flush the characters in the buffer
        int flushBuffer () {
        int num = pptr()-pbase();
        if (write (1, buffer, num) != num) {
        return EOF;
        pbump (-num); // reset put pointer accordingly
        return num;
        // buffer full
        // - write c and all previous characters
        virtual int_type overflow (int_type c) {
        if (c != EOF) {
        // insert character into the buffer
        *pptr() = c;
        // flush the buffer
        if (flushBuffer() == EOF) {
        // ERROR
        return EOF;
        return c;

        // synchronize data with file/destination
        // - flush the data in the buffer
        virtual int sync () {
        if (flushBuffer() == EOF) {
        // ERROR
        return -1;
        return 0;
};  //Outbuf_buffered

Can anyone tell me where I can find a reference to the write function

这是 Linux' ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count),在 <unistd.h> 中定义。

有关详细信息,请参阅 man 2 write

注意:write(1, ...) 写入文件描述符 #1:标准输出。