Create a generalize method without losing types
private def insertUpdateDeleteFormDsList(dsList : List[FormDefinitionDataSourceRequestModel])(implicit formDefId:Int,subject:Subject,session: Session) : (List[(Int,Int)],Seq[FormDefinitionDataSourceRequestModel],Seq[FormDefinitionDataSourceRequestModel]) = {
val incomingIds = dsList.map( ds => (ds.dataSourceId,ds.dsTypeId) )
val existingIds = formDefinitionDatasources.filter(_.tenantId === subject.tenantId).filter(_.formDefId === formDefId).map( ds => (ds.dataSourceId,ds.dataSourceTypeId) ).list
val idsForDeletion = existingIds diff incomingIds
val idsForInsertion = incomingIds diff existingIds
val idsForUpdate = existingIds diff idsForDeletion
val insertList = dsList.flatMap{ t => idsForInsertion collectFirst{ case (dsId,dsType) if(dsId == t.dataSourceId && dsType == t.dsTypeId)=> t} }
val updateList = dsList.flatMap{t=>idsForUpdate collectFirst {case (dsId,dsType) if(dsId == t.dataSourceId && dsType == t.dsTypeId)=> t}}
private def insertUpdateDelDataInstances(instances: List[Instance])(implicit subject: Subject, session: Session): (Seq[Instance], Seq[Instance], Seq[Instance]) = {
val incomingIds = instances.map(_.id)
val existingIds = dataSourceInstanceNew.filter(_.tenantId === subject.tenantId).map(_.id).list
val idsForDeletion = existingIds diff incomingIds
val idsForInsertion = incomingIds diff existingIds
val idsForUpdate = existingIds diff idsForDeletion
val deleteList = instances.flatMap{ t => idsForDeletion collectFirst{ case id if(id == t.id)=> t} }
val insertList = instances.flatMap{ t => idsForInsertion collectFirst{ case id if(id == t.id)=> t} }
val updateList = instances.flatMap{t=>idsForUpdate collectFirst {case id if(id === t.id)=> t}}
其他地方也有类似的方法出现。每次 List[T]
将作为方法参数传递,其中 T
始终是 case class
。现在如何构建 val incomingIds
取决于特定的 case class
我们想创建一个通用函数,它可以接受 List[T]
并且可能 incomingIds
和 return 一个所需的元组,以避免每次都编写看起来相似的样板文件。
如果说逻辑是 "always" 使用 T
case class
的 id
属性,那么我可以轻松地创建父 trait
和 id
并让所有 case class
es 混合特征 - 但这里不是这种情况。准备 val incomingIds
取决于不同的 case class
def generalizedInsertUpdateDeleteList[T](data:List[T],incomingIds:List[Int], existingIds:List[Int] )(implicit subject: Subject, session:Session) = {
val idsForDeletion = existingIds diff incomingIds
val idsForInsertion = incomingIds diff existingIds
val idsForUpdate = existingIds diff idsForDeletion
//what's the best way to generalize comparison inside collectFirst?
//to use case class attribute names from `T`. Was thinking if Structural type can help but not sure if that
//can quite work unless there is a way to pass in arguments in a structural type?
val deleteList = data.flatMap{ t => idsForDeletion collectFirst{ case id if(id == t.id)=> t} }
val insertList = data.flatMap{ t => idsForInsertion collectFirst{ case id if(id == t.id)=> t} }
val updateList = data.flatMap{ t => idsForUpdate collectFirst {case id if(id === t.id)=> t}}
如果没有其他更简洁的方法使用标准 scala/scalaz API 来实现此目的,shapeless 能否在这方面提供帮助?
Shapeless 的记录提供了一种类型安全的方法来抽象具有特定成员名称的大小写 类。例如:
import shapeless._, ops.record.Selector
def getId[A, R <: HList](a: A)(implicit
gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
sel: Selector[R, Witness.`'id`.T]
): sel.Out = sel(gen.to(a))
scala> case class Foo(id: String)
defined class Foo
scala> case class Bar(id: Int, name: String)
defined class Bar
scala> getId(Foo("12345"))
res0: String = 12345
scala> getId(Bar(123, "bar"))
res1: Int = 123
def getIntId[A, R <: HList](a: A)(implicit
gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
sel: Selector.Aux[R, Witness.`'id`.T, Int]
): Int = sel(gen.to(a))
现在 getIntId(Bar(123, "bar"))
可以编译,但是 getIntId(Foo("12345"))
您可以创建一个带有 PartialFunction
的类型 class,它可以在 collectFirst
trait IUD[T, IdType] {
// returns a partial function which will be used in collectFirst
def collectId(t: T): PartialFunction[IdType, T]
我们可以为您的两种方法创建 IUD
// I chose (Long, Long) as type of (ds.dataSourceId,ds.dsTypeId)
type FormModel = FormDefinitionDataSourceRequestModel
implicit object FormModelIUD extends IUD[FormModel, (Long, Long)] {
def collectId(t: FormModel): PartialFunction[(Long, Long), FormModel] = {
case (dsId,dsType) if(dsId == t.dataSourceId && dsType == t.dsTypeId) => t
implicit object InstanceIUD extends IUD[Instance, Int] {
def collectId(t: Instance): PartialFunction[Int, Instance] = {
case id if id == t.id => t
我们可以在您的 generalizedInsertUpdateDeleteList
方法中使用 IUD
类型 class :
def generalizedIUDList[T, IdType](
data: List[T], incomingIds: List[IdType], existingIds: List[IdType]
subject: Subject, session: Session, iud: IUD[T, IdType]
) = {
val idsForDeletion = existingIds diff incomingIds
val idsForInsertion = incomingIds diff existingIds
val idsForUpdate = existingIds diff idsForDeletion
def filterIds(ids: List[IdType]) =
data.flatMap(instance => ids collectFirst(iud.collectId(instance)) )
val deleteList = filterIds(idsForDeletion)
val insertList = filterIds(idsForInsertion)
val updateList = filterIds(idsForUpdate)
接受 PartialFunction
,在你的情况下 PartialFunction[Int, T]
您可以将部分函数作为参数传递给您的 generalizedInsertUpdateDeleteList
private def insertUpdateDeleteFormDsList(dsList : List[FormDefinitionDataSourceRequestModel])(implicit formDefId:Int,subject:Subject,session: Session) : (List[(Int,Int)],Seq[FormDefinitionDataSourceRequestModel],Seq[FormDefinitionDataSourceRequestModel]) = {
val incomingIds = dsList.map( ds => (ds.dataSourceId,ds.dsTypeId) )
val existingIds = formDefinitionDatasources.filter(_.tenantId === subject.tenantId).filter(_.formDefId === formDefId).map( ds => (ds.dataSourceId,ds.dataSourceTypeId) ).list
val idsForDeletion = existingIds diff incomingIds
val idsForInsertion = incomingIds diff existingIds
val idsForUpdate = existingIds diff idsForDeletion
val insertList = dsList.flatMap{ t => idsForInsertion collectFirst{ case (dsId,dsType) if(dsId == t.dataSourceId && dsType == t.dsTypeId)=> t} }
val updateList = dsList.flatMap{t=>idsForUpdate collectFirst {case (dsId,dsType) if(dsId == t.dataSourceId && dsType == t.dsTypeId)=> t}}
private def insertUpdateDelDataInstances(instances: List[Instance])(implicit subject: Subject, session: Session): (Seq[Instance], Seq[Instance], Seq[Instance]) = {
val incomingIds = instances.map(_.id)
val existingIds = dataSourceInstanceNew.filter(_.tenantId === subject.tenantId).map(_.id).list
val idsForDeletion = existingIds diff incomingIds
val idsForInsertion = incomingIds diff existingIds
val idsForUpdate = existingIds diff idsForDeletion
val deleteList = instances.flatMap{ t => idsForDeletion collectFirst{ case id if(id == t.id)=> t} }
val insertList = instances.flatMap{ t => idsForInsertion collectFirst{ case id if(id == t.id)=> t} }
val updateList = instances.flatMap{t=>idsForUpdate collectFirst {case id if(id === t.id)=> t}}
其他地方也有类似的方法出现。每次 List[T]
将作为方法参数传递,其中 T
始终是 case class
。现在如何构建 val incomingIds
取决于特定的 case class
我们想创建一个通用函数,它可以接受 List[T]
并且可能 incomingIds
和 return 一个所需的元组,以避免每次都编写看起来相似的样板文件。
如果说逻辑是 "always" 使用 T
case class
的 id
属性,那么我可以轻松地创建父 trait
和 id
并让所有 case class
es 混合特征 - 但这里不是这种情况。准备 val incomingIds
取决于不同的 case class
def generalizedInsertUpdateDeleteList[T](data:List[T],incomingIds:List[Int], existingIds:List[Int] )(implicit subject: Subject, session:Session) = {
val idsForDeletion = existingIds diff incomingIds
val idsForInsertion = incomingIds diff existingIds
val idsForUpdate = existingIds diff idsForDeletion
//what's the best way to generalize comparison inside collectFirst?
//to use case class attribute names from `T`. Was thinking if Structural type can help but not sure if that
//can quite work unless there is a way to pass in arguments in a structural type?
val deleteList = data.flatMap{ t => idsForDeletion collectFirst{ case id if(id == t.id)=> t} }
val insertList = data.flatMap{ t => idsForInsertion collectFirst{ case id if(id == t.id)=> t} }
val updateList = data.flatMap{ t => idsForUpdate collectFirst {case id if(id === t.id)=> t}}
如果没有其他更简洁的方法使用标准 scala/scalaz API 来实现此目的,shapeless 能否在这方面提供帮助?
Shapeless 的记录提供了一种类型安全的方法来抽象具有特定成员名称的大小写 类。例如:
import shapeless._, ops.record.Selector
def getId[A, R <: HList](a: A)(implicit
gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
sel: Selector[R, Witness.`'id`.T]
): sel.Out = sel(gen.to(a))
scala> case class Foo(id: String)
defined class Foo
scala> case class Bar(id: Int, name: String)
defined class Bar
scala> getId(Foo("12345"))
res0: String = 12345
scala> getId(Bar(123, "bar"))
res1: Int = 123
def getIntId[A, R <: HList](a: A)(implicit
gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
sel: Selector.Aux[R, Witness.`'id`.T, Int]
): Int = sel(gen.to(a))
现在 getIntId(Bar(123, "bar"))
可以编译,但是 getIntId(Foo("12345"))
您可以创建一个带有 PartialFunction
的类型 class,它可以在 collectFirst
trait IUD[T, IdType] {
// returns a partial function which will be used in collectFirst
def collectId(t: T): PartialFunction[IdType, T]
我们可以为您的两种方法创建 IUD
// I chose (Long, Long) as type of (ds.dataSourceId,ds.dsTypeId)
type FormModel = FormDefinitionDataSourceRequestModel
implicit object FormModelIUD extends IUD[FormModel, (Long, Long)] {
def collectId(t: FormModel): PartialFunction[(Long, Long), FormModel] = {
case (dsId,dsType) if(dsId == t.dataSourceId && dsType == t.dsTypeId) => t
implicit object InstanceIUD extends IUD[Instance, Int] {
def collectId(t: Instance): PartialFunction[Int, Instance] = {
case id if id == t.id => t
我们可以在您的 generalizedInsertUpdateDeleteList
方法中使用 IUD
类型 class :
def generalizedIUDList[T, IdType](
data: List[T], incomingIds: List[IdType], existingIds: List[IdType]
subject: Subject, session: Session, iud: IUD[T, IdType]
) = {
val idsForDeletion = existingIds diff incomingIds
val idsForInsertion = incomingIds diff existingIds
val idsForUpdate = existingIds diff idsForDeletion
def filterIds(ids: List[IdType]) =
data.flatMap(instance => ids collectFirst(iud.collectId(instance)) )
val deleteList = filterIds(idsForDeletion)
val insertList = filterIds(idsForInsertion)
val updateList = filterIds(idsForUpdate)
接受 PartialFunction
,在你的情况下 PartialFunction[Int, T]
您可以将部分函数作为参数传递给您的 generalizedInsertUpdateDeleteList