带有惰性和 Suspense 的 React 路由器总是在页面刷新时退回到通配符路由

React router with lazy and Suspense always falls back on wildcard route on page refresh

为了减少主包的大小,我用 lazy 和 suspense 实现了延迟加载路由。

但是,我 运行 遇到了一个问题,即在刷新页面时,应用程序总是以通配符路径结束,而不是在当前位置重新加载 url。

如果我删除通配符,问题似乎就解决了,但后来我错过了在错误 url 输入时被重定向的行为。 如果我删除 lazy/suspense 组合并在主包上加载路由,问题也得到解决,但显然我失去了延迟加载的好处。


// Lazy imports
const Home = lazy(() => import("./home/Home"));
const RecordsModule = lazy(() => import("./records/Records"));

function App() {
  // ...some logic
  // No use of lazy loading here
  return (
        <Route exact path="/">
          <Redirect to={isLoggedIn ? "/main" : "/auth"} />
        <Route path="/auth">
          <Auth />
        <Route path="/main">
          {!isLoggedIn && <Redirect to="/auth" />}
          <Main />
        <Route path="*">
          <Redirect to="/" />
      <Toaster />

function Main() {
  // ...some other logic
    Here the Home and RecordsModule components are lazy loaded.
    If the user refreshes the page while being on /main/records,
    the resulting refresh will bring him on /main/home.
    If I put a console.log in the wildcard route,
    it appears to be the route used after the refresh.
    The issue is not present if not using lazy loading or removing the wildcard route.
  return (
    <div className="main">
                <Spinner />
            {/* This will redirect to /main/home if coming from /main  */}
            <Route exact path={match.path}>
              <Redirect to={`${match.path}/home`} />
            {/* /main/home */}
            <Route path={`${match.path}/home`}>
              <Home />
            {/* /main/records */}
            <Route path={`${match.path}/records`}>
              <RecordsModule />
            {/* Redirects to /main/home if none of the above is matched */}
            <Route path="*">
              <Redirect to={`${match.path}/home`} />
      <Menu />

通过迁移到 React 路由器 v6 解决

npm i react-router@latest

Migration guide from v5