删除 UITableViewCell 行后重新排序字典集

Reordering a Dictionary set upon deleting a UITableViewCell row

我决定使用字典通过 API 调用填充多个 tableView,而不是使用数组和异步等待来减少加载时间。我在后台线程中异步调用我所有的 API,为每个字典提供一个从 0 开始递增的索引,当所有 API 调用完成后,我对字典进行排序:

    let sortedDictionary = dictionary.sorted {
        return [=10=].key < .key

然后我填充我的tableView;比 运行 和 API 按顺序调用快得多。现在我必须以某种方式在删除行时对 tableViews 重新排序,就像对标准数组一样(我有一个带有多个 tableViews 的 scrollView,另一个 tableView 每个 tableView 都有一行;第二个 tableView 是我要删除行的那个).这是我的尝试,但我的逻辑有些不对劲,或者我遗漏了一些东西:

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, commit editingStyle: 
UITableViewCell.EditingStyle, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {

    if editingStyle == .delete{

        //delete object from dictionary
        self.dictionary.removeValue(forKey: indexPath.row)

        for i in indexPath.row...dictionary.count-1{
            if i == dictionary.count-1{
                //remove last index in the dictionary at end of loop
                self.dictionary.removeValue(forKey: i)
            } else{
                //increment all dictionary indices past the deleted row down one
                let j = i+i
                let value = dictionary[j]
                guard let value = value else {return}
                self.dictionary.removeValue(forKey: j)
                self.dictionary.updateValue(value, forKey: i)




guard let value = value else {return}


let value = dictionary[j]



func deleteRows<T>(indexPath: IndexPath, dictionary: inout Dictionary<Int, T>){
    if indexPath.row == dictionary.count-1{
        //if its the last object in the tableView, delete and return
        dictionary.removeValue(forKey: indexPath.row)

    //store last object in dictionary
    let lastIndex = dictionary[dictionary.count-1]
    for i in indexPath.row...dictionary.count-1{
         if i == dictionary.count-2{
             //remove last object in the dictionary at end of loop
             dictionary.removeValue(forKey: dictionary.count-1)
             //append last object
             guard let lastIndex = lastIndex else {return}
             dictionary.updateValue(lastIndex, forKey: dictionary.count-1)
         } else if i < dictionary.count-1{
             //increment all dictionary indices past the deleted row down one
                 let value = dictionary[i+i]
                 guard let value = value else {return}
                 dictionary.updateValue(value, forKey: i)
