CASE 表达式 ent 为每个帐户返回 ELSE 值,即使条件为 True

CASE expression ent returning ELSE value for every account even when condition is True

即使 CASE 表达式逻辑为 True,下面的查询 returns 每个帐户都有两行,同时带有 'Active' 和 'Inactive' 标签。

例如。 如果一个帐户的 'revenue' 大于 0 并且 fiscal_qtr = '2022-Q1' 而不是仅返回 'Active' 它还会 returns 具有值 [=29= 的行].

WHEN revenue > 0 and fiscal_qtr = '2022-Q1' then 'Active'
ELSE 'Inactive'
END AS "Active Acct"
FROM rev_planning.ace_global
(fiscal_year_num between 2018 and 2021 or fiscal_qtr = '2022-Q1')
and revenue > 0
GROUP BY geo, account, subsegment, forecast_group

我试过将 case 表达式放在括号中,但它仍然 returns 两行用于所有应该返回的帐户 'Active'

(WHEN revenue > 0 and fiscal_qtr = '2022-Q1' then 'Active' ELSE 'Inactive'END) AS "Active Acct"


geo account subsegment forecast group acitveacct
APAC brothers neilsen australia dbiq Active
APAC brothers neilsen australia dbiq Inactive


geo account subsegment forecast group acitveacct
APAC brothers neilsen australia dbiq Active

I have tried putting the case expression in parenthesis but it still returns two rows for all of the accounts that should just be returning 'Active'

如果 SELECT returns 行持续多年和多个季度,这就是应该发生的情况。由于 CASE,当前年份和季度 (2022-Q1) 将被视为 'Active',而往年将被视为 'Inactive'.

听起来您只想 return 最近的一年。尝试使用 ROW_NUMBER() 对每个帐户的财政季度进行排序和排名。然后使用 where RowNum = 1 抓取最近的一个。下面的查询按 geo, account, subsegment 对结果进行分区,但您可以根据需要进行调整:

WITH cte AS (
   SELECT * 
          , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(
             PARTITION BY geo, account, subsegment 
             ORDER BY fiscal_year_num DESC, fiscal_qtr DESC
          ) AS RowNum
   FROM   ace_global
   WHERE  revenue > 0
   OR   ( fiscal_year_num BETWEEN 2018 AND 2021
           OR fiscal_qtr = '2022-Q1'
      , account
      , subsegment
      , forecast_group
      , CASE WHEN fiscal_qtr = '2022-Q1' THEN 'Active' ELSE 'Inactive' END AS "Active Acct" 
FROM   cte 
WHERE  RowNum = 1


geo | account     | subsegment | forecast_group | revenue | fiscal_year_num | fiscal_qtr
:-- | :---------- | :--------- | :------------- | ------: | --------------: | :---------
ABC | abc company | australia  | dbiq           |   50000 |            2018 | 2018-Q1   
ABC | abc company | australia  | dbiq           | 1000000 |            2022 | 2022-Q1   
EFG | efg company | australia  | dbiq           |   75000 |            2020 | 2020-Q2   
HIJ | hij company | australia  | dbiq           |  787000 |            2021 | 2021-Q3   
HIJ | hij company | australia  | dbiq           | 2000000 |            2022 | 2022-Q1   


geo | account     | subsegment | forecast_group | Active Acct
:-- | :---------- | :--------- | :------------- | :----------
ABC | abc company | australia  | dbiq           | Active     
EFG | efg company | australia  | dbiq           | Inactive   
HIJ | hij company | australia  | dbiq           | Active     

db<>fiddle here