Google Sheet 查询数据透视表 - 计算日期是否在日期范围内

Google Sheet Query Pivot - count if a date is between a range of dates

我有 3 列:

我要 3 个 table :

以 Table 年内离开的人为中心的城市(完成) =query(QUERY({$A:$C}; "select Col1, count(Col1) where (year(Col3)=2018 or year(Col3)=2019 or year(Col3)=2020) group by Col1 pivot year(Col3)"); "select * order by Col4 desc, Col3 desc, Col2 desc label Col1 'End'";1)

- 以 Table 城市为中心,有一年内逗留的人(失败) =query(QUERY({$A:$C}; "select Col1, count(Col1) where (2018>=YEAR(Col2) and 2018<=YEAR(Col3) or (2019>=YEAR(Col2) and 2019<=YEAR(Col3) or (2020>=YEAR(Col2) and 2020<=YEAR(Col3) group by Col1 pivot year(Col2)"); "select * order by Col4 desc, Col3 desc, Col2 desc label Col1 'Between'";1)

对于最后一个,我遇到了麻烦。 我想我的 Where 条件没有适应,我的枢轴也没有工作。

我知道枢轴年 (Col2) 不能用于最后一个,因为如果一行的日期开始于 2015 年和结束于 2020 年,我希望它被计算在内,但我的枢轴不会出现2018 2019 2020.




 SEQUENCE(1; 5000; ); ROW(A2:A10)&"×"&A2:A10&"×"&TEXT(B2:B10+SEQUENCE(1; 5000; ); 
 "yyyy-1-1"); )); "×")); 
 "select Col2,count(Col2) 
  where year(Col3) matches '2018|2019|2020' 
  group by Col2 
  pivot year(Col3) 
  label Col2'Between'"); 
 "order by Col4 desc, Col3 desc, Col2 desc"))


 SEQUENCE(1; MAX(DATEDIF(B2:B; C2:C; "Y")); ); ROW(A2:A)&"×"&A2:A&"×"&
 YEAR(B2:B)+SEQUENCE(1; MAX(DATEDIF(B2:B; C2:C; "Y")); )&"-1-1"; )); "×"); 
 "select Col2,count(Col2) 
  where year(Col3) matches '2018|2019|2020' 
  group by Col2 
  pivot year(Col3) 
  label Col2'Between'"); 
 "order by Col4 desc, Col3 desc, Col2 desc"))