哪些 Stripe 帐户密钥明确地告诉我用户已完全入职?

What Stripe Account Keys Tell Me DIFINITIVELY That a User is Fully Onboarded?


我特别询问关于加入 Stripe Connect Express 帐户类型的问题。我不想让用户直接接受付款。我会收款,然后付款。


如果我有一个带有以下键的 Stripe Account 对象:

dict_keys(['id', 'object', 'business_profile', 'capabilities',
           'charges_enabled', 'country', 'created', 'default_currency',
           'details_submitted', 'email', 'external_accounts', 'future_requirements',
           'login_links', 'metadata', 'payouts_enabled', 'requirements',
           'settings', 'tos_acceptance', 'type'])

这些密钥中的 一个 会明确地告诉我帐户已完全启用...



details_submitted: 是否已提交帐户详细信息。在此之前,标准帐户无法接收付款。

You can check the state of the details_submitted parameter on their account to see if they’ve completed the onboarding process. (source)

After a user is redirected to your return_url, check the state of the details_submitted parameter on their account (source)


A user that’s redirected to your return_url might not have completed the onboarding process. Retrieve the user’s account and check for charges_enabled. If the account isn’t fully onboarded, provide UI prompts to allow the user to continue onboarding later.

payouts_enabled:Stripe 是否可以向该帐户发送付款。

When you receive an account.updated webhook notification or fetch an account via the API, you receive an Account object. The Account object’s charges_enabled and payouts_enabled indicate whether the account can create charges and accept payouts. (source)


这里的想法是,如果收集了所有详细信息,currently_due 数组将为空,表示他们已入职。

<StripeObject at 0x2846293d5c8> JSON: {
  "alternatives": [],
  "current_deadline": null,
  "currently_due": [],
  "disabled_reason": null,
  "errors": [],
  "eventually_due": [
  "past_due": [],
  "pending_verification": []


因此,仅检查 details_submitted 是否足以验证某人是否已完全入职?或者它是上面的组合,比如 details_submitted AND requirements['currently_due'] AND ... 你明白了。



入职是逐步发生的(例如,如果不预先收集验证要求,验证要求会随着时间的推移而改变),所以简短的回答是:没有一个 属性 您可以查看以判断是否和帐户已完全启用。

You'll want to check the currently_due and eventually_due properties on the Account object 以辨别帐户是否正在成为 fully-onboarded。一旦满足验证要求,一般认为是'fully onboarded'.


The Account object has a requirements hash, representing the requirements needed to verify the account. The requirements hash has the following arrays:

  • eventually_due: Information in this array isn’t needed immediately, but it will be when certain thresholds are hit. All required
    information starts in this array.

  • currently_due: Information in this array needs to be collected by the current_deadline and is a subset of eventually_due.

  • past_due: Information in this array means the account is disabled because the required information wasn’t collected. past_due is a
    subset of currently_due.

这里还有 country-specific 入职要求的好资源:https://stripe.com/docs/connect/required-verification-information