如何在 Latex 中将文本包装到我 table 的一个特定单元格中?

How can I wrap text into one specific cell of my table in Latex?

我一直在研究这个 table 但是一个单元格的文本拒绝在其中换行,我不明白为什么。








\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\textbf{Control Variable}}  & \textbf{Use} 
 \ \hline

Number of COVID-19 cases     &   \ \cline{1-1}

Number of COVID-19 related deaths  & \multirow{-2}{*}{Used as proxies for the level of contagion each country was experiencing.}  

\ \hline

Overall Government Response Index     & Records how response of governments has varied over all indicators in the database, becoming stronger or weaker over course of the outbreak. 

\ \hline

Stringency Index   & Records strictness of ‘lockdown style’ policies that restrict behavior 

Economic Index   & Records measures such as income support and debt relief     \ 


GDP per capita (current USD)   & \cellcolor Used as a proxy for development.    \ 


Literacy rate, adult total (percentage of people ages 15 and above) & Percentage of people age 15+ who can read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life.         


Physicians (per 1000 people)                               &                    \ \cline{1-1}

Hospital beds (per 1000 people)                            &                
\ \cline{1-1}

Nurses and midwives (per 1000 people)    & \multirow{-3}{*}{Used as proxies for the strength of the health system.}        \ 

Critical Fatality Rate    & The Critical Fatality Rate (CFR) is the ratio between the total number of cases and the total number of deaths from a determined illness, which in this case is COVID-19. This is a measure of the pandemic’s impact. \ 



\caption{Table detailing all control variables and the purpose for including them}





\multirow{-2}{*}{Used as proxies for the level of contagion each country was experiencing.}


tabularray 包使合并单元格变得轻而易举:



Control Variable  & Use 
 \ \hline
Number of COVID-19 cases     &  \SetCell[r=2]{} Used as proxies for the level of contagion each country was experiencing.   \ \cline{1-1}
Number of COVID-19 related deaths  & 
\ \hline
Overall Government Response Index     & Records how response of governments has varied over all indicators in the database, becoming stronger or weaker over course of the outbreak. 
\ \hline
Stringency Index   & Records strictness of ‘lockdown style’ policies that restrict behavior 
Economic Index   & Records measures such as income support and debt relief     \ 
GDP per capita (current USD)   &  Used as a proxy for development.    \ 
Literacy rate, adult total (percentage of people ages 15 and above) & Percentage of people age 15+ who can read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life.         
Physicians (per 1000 people)                               &  \SetCell[r=3]{}  Used as proxies for the strength of the health system.                 \ \cline{1-1}
Hospital beds (per 1000 people)                            &                
\ \cline{1-1}
Nurses and midwives (per 1000 people)    &         \ 
Critical Fatality Rate    & The Critical Fatality Rate (CFR) is the ratio between the total number of cases and the total number of deaths from a determined illness, which in this case is COVID-19. This is a measure of the pandemic’s impact. \ 
\caption{Table detailing all control variables and the purpose for including them}
