
How do I solve m boxes and n balls of different size problem recursively without sorting?

我有 m 个盒子和 n 个球,每个都有不同的大小。举个简单的例子,假设我们有大小为 [10, 50, 20] 的盒子和大小为 [20, 10, 30, 10] 的球。可以这样解决,

盒子 0(尺寸 10)可以存放球 1(尺寸 10)或球 3,但为了简单起见,我们以球 1 为例。

盒子 1(尺寸 50)可以存放球 0(尺寸 20)和球 2(尺寸 30)

盒子 2(尺寸 20)可以存放球 3(尺寸 10)

为了解决这个问题,我写了下面的 java 代码,它是使用排序和迭代的方式解决的,

boolean canBallsFitInBoxes(int [] boxes, int [] balls) {
    int j = 0;
    int i = 0;
    for(; i < balls.length && j < boxes.length;) {
      if(boxes[j] >= balls[i]){
        boxes[j] -= balls[i];
      } else {
    return i == balls.length;


我自己尝试了递归版本,但只有当给定的数组已经排序或者盒子和数组可以像 (boxes: [10, 50, 20] and balls: [10, 20, 30, 10])。基本上,当盒子或球的顺序混乱时,我正在努力寻找使用递归的解决方案。


A brute-force,解决问题的递归方法是取球 n 并尝试将其放入每个盒子中。如果球适合当前盒子,递归使用下一个球,否则尝试下一个盒子。

public boolean canBallsFitInBoxes(int[] boxes, int[] balls) {
  return fits(boxes, balls, 0);

private boolean fits(int[] boxes, int[] balls, int currentBall) {
  // More balls available?
  if (currentBall >= balls.length)
    // No -> all balls are inside boxes already -> success
    return true;
  // Check each box, trying to insert current ball
  for (int currentBox = 0; currentBox < boxes.length; currentBox++) {
    // Does ball fit into box?
    if (boxes[currentBox] >= balls[currentBall]) {
      // Yes -> put ball into box
      boxes[currentBox] -= balls[currentBall];
      // Proceed to remaining balls (recursively)
      if (fits(boxes, balls, currentBall + 1))
        // All remaining balls fit -> success
        return true;
        // At least one of the remaining balls does not fit -> remove current ball from box again
        boxes[currentBox] += balls[currentBall];
  // All tries for this ball failed -> back-trace
  return false;


private boolean fits(int[] boxes, int[] balls, int currentBall) {
  // Check each box, trying to insert current ball
  for (int currentBox = 0; currentBox < boxes.length; currentBox++) {
    // Does ball fit into box?
    if (boxes[currentBox] >= balls[currentBall]) {
      // Yes -> put ball into box
      boxes[currentBox] -= balls[currentBall];
      // If more balls are available, proceed to remaining balls (recursively)
      if (currentBall + 1 >= balls.length || fits(boxes, balls, currentBall + 1))
        // All remaining balls fit -> success
        return true;
        // At least one of the remaining balls does not fit -> remove current ball from box again
        boxes[currentBox] += balls[currentBall];
  // All tries for this ball failed -> back-trace
  return false;
