Jdbi 事务 - 多种方法 - 应该关闭资源

Jdbi transaction - multiple methods - Resources should be closed

假设我想在交易中 运行 两个 sql 查询我有如下代码:

jdbi.useHandle(handle -> handle.useTransaction(h -> {
                    var id = handle.createUpdate("some query")
                            .mapTo(Long.class).findOne().orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No id"));

                    handle.createUpdate("INSERT INTO SOMETABLE (id) " +
                                    "VALUES (:id , xxx);")


jdbi.useHandle(handle -> handle.useTransaction(h -> {
                    var id = someQuery1(h);
                    someQuery2(id, h);

...someQuery1 看起来像:

private Long someQuery1(Handle handle) {

        return  handle.createUpdate("some query")
                .mapTo(Long.class).findOne().orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No id"));

现在,当我重构为后者时,我在 someQuery1 handle.createUpdate 上收到一个 SonarQube 阻止程序错误,说明:

Resources should be closed

Connections, streams, files, and other classes that implement the Closeable interface or its super-interface, AutoCloseable, needs to be closed after use....*

我的印象是,因为我正在使用 jdbi.useHandle(并将 same 句柄传递给被调用的方法),所以会使用回调,并且return 后立即松开手柄。根据 jdbi docs:

Both withHandle and useHandle open a temporary handle, call your callback, and immediately release the handle when your callback returns.



SonarQube 不知道有关 JDBI 实施的任何细节,只是通过 AutoCloseable/Closable 未关闭触发。只需抑制声纳问题 and/or 向 SonarQube 团队提交 feature-request 以改进此行为。