
Is it possible to have elements of a heterogeneous list depend on the type of preceding elements?


我想对 Web 应用程序的路由进行建模,使其满足以下要求:

  1. 可以执行完整的定义
  2. 可以创建不完整的定义
  3. 可以检查不完整的定义是否“匹配”(即包含在)完整的定义中。


type root =
  | Fruit of fruit
  | Veggie of veggie
and fruit =
  | Apple of apple
  | Banana of banana
and veggie =
  | Carrot of carrot
and apple = { diameter: int; cultivar: string; }
and banana = { length: int }
and carrot = { length: int; color: [`Orange | `Purple] }


let complete = Fruit (Apple { diameter = 8; cultivar = "Golden Delicious" })


let incomplete = Fruit Apple
Error: The constructor Apple expects 1 argument(s),
       but is applied here to 0 argument(s)


let equal a b = match a, b with
  | Fruit (Apple _), Fruit (Apple _ ) -> true
  | Fruit (Apple _), _ -> false
  | Fruit (Banana _), Fruit (Banana _ ) -> true
  | Fruit (Banana _), _ -> false
  | Veggie (Carrot _) , Veggie (Carrot _) -> true
  | Veggie (Carrot _) , _ -> false


所以我有了使用 GADT 树和异构列表的想法,通过将路由定义为列表来使定义更加灵活,例如:

let route = [Fruit; Apple; { diameter = 6; cultivar = "Granny Smith" }]



type _ root =
  | Fruit : _ fruit root
  | Veggie : _ veggie root

and _ fruit =
  | Apple : apple fruit
  | Banana : banana fruit

and _ veggie =
  | Carrot : carrot veggie

and apple = { diameter: int; cultivar: string; }
and banana = { length: int }
and carrot = { length: int; color: [`Orange | `Purple] }

type 'a t =
  | [] : _ root t
  | ( :: ) : 'b * 'a t -> 'b t


  1. 'b 不受 'a 的限制,所以任何东西都可以放入列表中,只要它以 root t 开头,并且可能没有恢复元素类型的方法。我认为这需要更高级的类型,但也许有办法解决这个问题?
  2. 即使我能够解决这个问题,我也不确定我将如何终止它。也许参数也可以制成 GADT,并以 unit.
  3. 结尾


 type ('a,'b) t =
  | [] : ('a,'a) t
  | ( :: ) : ('a, 'b) element * ('b,'c) t -> ('a,'c) t

这里的类型('a,'b) t描述了一个从上下文类型'a开始到上下文类型'b结束的异构列表。它是 ('a,'b) element 的类型定义,它确定允许哪些转换。


module Tag = struct
  type final = Done
  type root = Root
  type fruit = Fruit
  type veggie = Veggie
type (_,_) element=
  | Fruit : (Tag.root, Tag.fruit) element
  | Veggie : (Tag.root, Tag.veggie) element
  | Apple : (Tag.fruit, apple) element
  | Banana : (Tag.fruit, banana) element
  | Carrot: (Tag.veggie, carrot) element
  | End: 'a -> ('a, Tag.final) element

请务必注意模块 Tag 仅提供与任何值无关的类型级标签(索引)。


let fruit = [Fruit]

是一个(Tag.root,Tag.fruit) element:该元素只允许在顶部并且要求在Tag.fruit上下文中允许在下面的元素。一个有效的下一个元素将是

let apple = [Fruit;Apple]

这是一个 (Tag.root,Tag.apple) t 路径。 最后,一旦我们处于映射到具体类型的上下文中,就可以使用 End 构造函数关闭路径:

type complete = (Tag.root,Tag.final) t
let full_apple : complete =
  [Fruit; Apple; End { diameter=0; cultivar="apple"}]


let rec prefix: type a b c d. (a,b) t -> (c,d) t -> bool = fun pre x ->
  match pre, x with
  | [], _ -> true
  | Fruit :: q, Fruit :: r -> prefix q r
  | Veggie :: q, Veggie :: r -> prefix q r
  | [Apple], Apple :: r -> true
  | [Banana], Banana :: r -> true
  | [Carrot], Carrot :: r -> true
  | [Apple; End x], [Apple; End y] -> x = y
  | [Banana; End x], [Banana; End y] -> x = y 
  | [Carrot; End x], [Carrot; End y] -> x = y
  | _ -> false