如何正确编写显示 "order of magnitude" 直方图的函数?
How to properly write a function showing an "order of magnitude" histogram?
根据答案here and here,我创建了自己的函数。
由于零很可能出现在 hist
开始(如果我用 plot(h)
替换最后一行,警告消失,但我不确定直方图是否真的使用 ...
order_of_magnitude_hist <- function(x, ylog = FALSE, ...) {
params <- list(...)
optionalParamNames <- c(
"breaks", "freq", "probability", "include.lowest", "right", "density",
"angle", "col", "border", "main", "xlim", "ylim", "xlab", "ylab", "axes",
"plot", "labels", "nclass", "warn.unused")
unusedParams <- setdiff(names(params),optionalParamNames)
if (length(unusedParams)) {
stop('unused parameters ',paste(unusedParams,collapse = ', '))
if ("breaks" %in% names(params)) {
h <- hist(x, breaks = params$breaks, plot = FALSE)
} else {
h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE, ...)
assertthat::assert_that(all(h$counts >= 0))
if (!ylog) {
h$counts[h$counts == 0] <- 0
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(1:9)] <- 1
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(10:99)] <- 2
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(100:999)] <- 3
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(1000:9999)] <- 4
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(10000:99999)] <- 5
} else {
h$counts[h$counts == 0] <- 0
h$counts[h$counts == 1] <- 1
h$counts[h$counts > 1] <- log10(h$counts[h$counts > 1])
plot(h, ...)
dt <- 1/runif(n = 1000, min = 0.0001, max = 10)
breaks = seq(min(dt), max(dt), length.out = 101),
main = "Title 1")
breaks = seq(min(dt), max(dt), length.out = 101),
ylog = TRUE,
main = "title 2")
Warning messages:
1: In plot.window(xlim, ylim, "", ...) : "breaks" ist kein Grafikparameter
2: In title(main = main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...) :
"breaks" ist kein Grafikparameter
3: In axis(1, ...) : "breaks" ist kein Grafikparameter
4: In axis(2, ...) : "breaks" ist kein Grafikparameter
1: In doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) :
"breaks" ist kein Grafikparameter
时出现警告信息。由于 h
属于 class "histogram"
调用没有参数 breaks
的 graphics:::plot.histogram()
。预计中断将位于 class "histogram"
的 x 参数内
如果您想摆脱这些警告,我建议只传递对函数 graphics:::plot.histogram()
有效的参数。请参阅下面的 valid_plotting_parameters
和 my_plotting_parameters
但是,使用这种方法,您可能会丢失 order_of_magnitude_hist()
的 ...
参数中包含的其他图形参数。您当然可以手动将 valid_plotting_parameters
放大到您希望能够传递给 graphics:::plot.histogram()
order_of_magnitude_hist <- function(x, ylog = FALSE, ...) {
params <- list(...)
optionalParamNames <- c(
"breaks", "freq", "probability", "include.lowest", "right", "density",
"angle", "col", "border", "main", "xlim", "ylim", "xlab", "ylab", "axes",
"plot", "labels", "nclass", "warn.unused")
unusedParams <- setdiff(names(params),optionalParamNames)
if (length(unusedParams)) {
stop('unused parameters ',paste(unusedParams,collapse = ', '))
if ("breaks" %in% names(params)) {
h <- hist(x, breaks = params$breaks, plot = FALSE)
} else {
h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE, ...)
assertthat::assert_that(all(h$counts >= 0))
if (!ylog) {
h$counts[h$counts == 0] <- 0
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(1:9)] <- 1
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(10:99)] <- 2
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(100:999)] <- 3
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(1000:9999)] <- 4
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(10000:99999)] <- 5
} else {
h$counts[h$counts == 0] <- 0
h$counts[h$counts == 1] <- 1
h$counts[h$counts > 1] <- log10(h$counts[h$counts > 1])
# plot(h, ...)
valid_plotting_parameters <- c(
"freq", "density", "angle", "col", "border", "lty", "main", "sub", "xlab",
"ylab", "xlim", "ylim", "axes", "labels", "add", "ann")
my_plotting_parameters <- params[names(params) %in% valid_plotting_parameters]
do.call(what = "plot",
args = append(list(x = h), my_plotting_parameters))
dt <- 1/runif(n = 1000, min = 0.0001, max = 10)
breaks = seq(min(dt), max(dt), length.out = 101),
main = "Title 1")
breaks = seq(min(dt), max(dt), length.out = 101),
ylog = TRUE,
main = "title 2")
根据答案here and here,我创建了自己的函数。
由于零很可能出现在 hist
开始(如果我用 plot(h)
替换最后一行,警告消失,但我不确定直方图是否真的使用 ...
order_of_magnitude_hist <- function(x, ylog = FALSE, ...) {
params <- list(...)
optionalParamNames <- c(
"breaks", "freq", "probability", "include.lowest", "right", "density",
"angle", "col", "border", "main", "xlim", "ylim", "xlab", "ylab", "axes",
"plot", "labels", "nclass", "warn.unused")
unusedParams <- setdiff(names(params),optionalParamNames)
if (length(unusedParams)) {
stop('unused parameters ',paste(unusedParams,collapse = ', '))
if ("breaks" %in% names(params)) {
h <- hist(x, breaks = params$breaks, plot = FALSE)
} else {
h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE, ...)
assertthat::assert_that(all(h$counts >= 0))
if (!ylog) {
h$counts[h$counts == 0] <- 0
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(1:9)] <- 1
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(10:99)] <- 2
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(100:999)] <- 3
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(1000:9999)] <- 4
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(10000:99999)] <- 5
} else {
h$counts[h$counts == 0] <- 0
h$counts[h$counts == 1] <- 1
h$counts[h$counts > 1] <- log10(h$counts[h$counts > 1])
plot(h, ...)
dt <- 1/runif(n = 1000, min = 0.0001, max = 10)
breaks = seq(min(dt), max(dt), length.out = 101),
main = "Title 1")
breaks = seq(min(dt), max(dt), length.out = 101),
ylog = TRUE,
main = "title 2")
Warning messages:
1: In plot.window(xlim, ylim, "", ...) : "breaks" ist kein Grafikparameter
2: In title(main = main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...) :
"breaks" ist kein Grafikparameter
3: In axis(1, ...) : "breaks" ist kein Grafikparameter
4: In axis(2, ...) : "breaks" ist kein Grafikparameter
1: In doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) :
"breaks" ist kein Grafikparameter
时出现警告信息。由于 h
属于 class "histogram"
调用没有参数 breaks
的 graphics:::plot.histogram()
。预计中断将位于 class "histogram"
如果您想摆脱这些警告,我建议只传递对函数 graphics:::plot.histogram()
有效的参数。请参阅下面的 valid_plotting_parameters
和 my_plotting_parameters
但是,使用这种方法,您可能会丢失 order_of_magnitude_hist()
的 ...
参数中包含的其他图形参数。您当然可以手动将 valid_plotting_parameters
放大到您希望能够传递给 graphics:::plot.histogram()
order_of_magnitude_hist <- function(x, ylog = FALSE, ...) {
params <- list(...)
optionalParamNames <- c(
"breaks", "freq", "probability", "include.lowest", "right", "density",
"angle", "col", "border", "main", "xlim", "ylim", "xlab", "ylab", "axes",
"plot", "labels", "nclass", "warn.unused")
unusedParams <- setdiff(names(params),optionalParamNames)
if (length(unusedParams)) {
stop('unused parameters ',paste(unusedParams,collapse = ', '))
if ("breaks" %in% names(params)) {
h <- hist(x, breaks = params$breaks, plot = FALSE)
} else {
h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE, ...)
assertthat::assert_that(all(h$counts >= 0))
if (!ylog) {
h$counts[h$counts == 0] <- 0
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(1:9)] <- 1
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(10:99)] <- 2
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(100:999)] <- 3
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(1000:9999)] <- 4
h$counts[h$counts %in% c(10000:99999)] <- 5
} else {
h$counts[h$counts == 0] <- 0
h$counts[h$counts == 1] <- 1
h$counts[h$counts > 1] <- log10(h$counts[h$counts > 1])
# plot(h, ...)
valid_plotting_parameters <- c(
"freq", "density", "angle", "col", "border", "lty", "main", "sub", "xlab",
"ylab", "xlim", "ylim", "axes", "labels", "add", "ann")
my_plotting_parameters <- params[names(params) %in% valid_plotting_parameters]
do.call(what = "plot",
args = append(list(x = h), my_plotting_parameters))
dt <- 1/runif(n = 1000, min = 0.0001, max = 10)
breaks = seq(min(dt), max(dt), length.out = 101),
main = "Title 1")
breaks = seq(min(dt), max(dt), length.out = 101),
ylog = TRUE,
main = "title 2")