嵌套 python 循环选择二维列表的完整列而不是给定索引

Nested python loop selects complete column of 2d list instead of given index




import pygame
#Normal pygame window setup, class declaration and variable init
while True:
    #Mouse position
    m_x, m_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
    events = pygame.event.get()

    #Current tile the mouse is hovering over
    self.tile_m_x = m_x // int(self.grid_params['size']) * int(self.grid_params['size'])
    self.tile_m_y = m_y // int(self.grid_params['size']) * int(self.grid_params['size'])

    #The part where it checks if the tile should be converted
    for y, row in enumerate(self.tiles[:]):
        for x, tile in enumerate(row):
            if x == self.tile_m_x/int(self.grid_params['size']) and y == self.tile_m_y/int(self.grid_params['size']):                             
                if m_btns[0]:
                    self.tiles[y][x] = self.current_selected_tile_type


for y, row in enumerate(self.tiles[:]):
  for x, tile in enumerate(row):
          if x == self.tile_m_x/int(self.grid_params['size']) and y == self.tile_m_y/int(self.grid_params['size']):
                                         if m_btns[0]: 
                                           self.tiles.loc[x,y] = self.current_selected_tile_type
