SVG 线条和不透明度变化动画
SVG line and opacity change animation
我希望在完成鹳动画后将填充的不透明度变为 t0 1。我很难弄明白。
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text-aline: center;
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stroke: 5px;
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animation: line-anim 4s ease forwards 0.3s;
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animation: line-anim 4s ease forwards 0.6s;
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animation: line-anim 2s ease forwards 0.9s;
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animation: line-anim 4s ease forwards 1.2s;
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stroke-dashoffset: 520px;
animation: line-anim 4s ease forwards 1.5s;
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stroke-dashoffset: 410px;
animation: line-anim 4s ease forwards 1.8s;
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stroke-dasharray: 390px;
stroke-dashoffset: 390px;
animation: line-anim 4s ease forwards 2.2s;
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opacity: 0;
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fill: white;
opacity: 1;
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属性 会改变整个元素的不透明度,描边和填充。要为填充设置动画,您可以使用 fill-opacity.
。而不是单独的 stroke-dasharray
和 stroke-offset
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stroke-dasharray: 10px;
stroke-offset: 10px;
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animation: fill 4s ease forwards 4.5s;
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animation: line-anim 4s ease forwards;
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animation: line-anim 2s ease forwards 0.9s;
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animation: line-anim 4s ease forwards 1.2s;
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animation: line-anim 4s ease forwards 1.8s;
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stroke-dashoffset: 390px;
animation: line-anim 4s ease forwards 2.2s;
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我希望在完成鹳动画后将填充的不透明度变为 t0 1。我很难弄明白。
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属性 会改变整个元素的不透明度,描边和填充。要为填充设置动画,您可以使用 fill-opacity.
。而不是单独的 stroke-dasharray
和 stroke-offset
#logo>g.letters>path {
stroke-dasharray: 10px;
stroke-offset: 10px;
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padding: 0;
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animation: fill 4s ease forwards 4.5s;
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