为什么不能在 flutter 中使用流聊天 api 创建用户?

why can't create user using stream chat api in flutter?

我正在尝试使用 Stream chat API 在我的 flutter 应用程序中创建一个聊天屏幕。问题是当我尝试创建一个有两个用户的频道时,它显示即使我创建了用户也没有创建:

E/flutter ( 4695): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(209)] Unhandled Exception: 
StreamChatNetworkError(code: 4, message: GetOrCreateChannel failed with error: "The following 
users are involved in channel create operation, but don't exist: [hasan11 mohammed11]. Please 
create the user objects before setting up the channel.", statusCode: 400, data: 
ErrorResponse(code: 4, message: GetOrCreateChannel failed with error: "The following users are 
involved in channel create operation, but don't exist: [hasan11 mohammed11]. Please create the 
user objects before setting up the channel.", statusCode: 400, moreInfo: 


onPressed () {
  await streamAPI.initUser(client,
    username: 'hasan',
    id: Config.hasanID,
    token: Config.hasanToken);
  final channel = await streamAPI.createChannel(
    client, 'messaging', 'sample', [Config.hasanID, Config.mohammedID]);
      builder: (context) =>
        chat(client: client, channel: channel)));


import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:stream_chat_flutter/stream_chat_flutter.dart';

class streamAPI {
  static Future initUser(
    StreamChatClient client, {
      @required String username,
      @required String id,
      @required String token
    }) async {
      final user = User(
        id: id,
        extraData: {
          'name': username
      await client.connectUser(user, token);

  static Future<Channel> createChannel(
    StreamChatClient client,
    @required String type,
    @required String id,
    List<String> idMembers
  ) async {
    final channel = client.channel(type, id: id, extraData: {
      'name': 'channel1',
      'members': idMembers
    await channel.create();
    return channel;


确保这些用户是在 Stream 后端创建的。在您的 Stream 仪表板中,转到 Explorer -> users 部分,您应该会看到所有用户的列表。确保 IDs 与您的代码中的匹配。

Stream Dashboard Example

请注意,您不需要同时调用 createwatch,因为 watch 会自动创建频道。

如果您使用的是 Stream Chat UI 或核心组件,您甚至不需要自己调用 watch,那么您只需要调用 create

如果您仍然卡住,我建议您查看 Flutter 教程页面:https://getstream.io/chat/flutter/tutorial/

或者 Stream Flutter YouTube 播放列表:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO_MOJRqYlk&list=PLNBhvhkAJG6t-BxkRAnSqa67lm5C1mpKk