文件的 C++ OpenSSL 哈希值不正确
C++ OpenSSL hash of the file is not the right one
我想使用 OpenSSL 库在 C++ 中计算任何给定文件的 Sha1。
我已经阅读了互联网上关于执行此操作的任何文章(也包括来自 Whosebug 的所有文章)将近 3 天。
我的代码与找到的代码有些相似 and here 但更易于阅读和在我编写的程序中进一步使用。
此外,我想使用 C++ 代码而不是上面链接中所写的 C 代码,其次,他们使用:
SHA256_Update(&context, (unsigned char*)input, length);
SHA256_Final(md, &context);
在 new/current OpenSSL 版本(我认为是 3.0 左右)中不再可用。
因此,我认为这个问题将帮助我观察到的许多其他读者遇到与我使用新 OpenSSL 版本时遇到的相同问题并且不能再使用旧代码示例。
这是我的 C++ 代码,创建它是为了通过 chuncks 读取大文件而不将它们加载到内存中(希望这对以后阅读这篇文章的读者有所帮助 post 因为它有很多有用的行,但它不能完全工作如您所见):
bool hashFullFile(const std::string& FilePath, std::string &hashed, std::string &hash_type) {
bool success = false;
EVP_MD_CTX *context = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
//read file by chuncks:
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
std::vector<char> buffer (BUFFER_SIZE + 1, 0);
// check if the file to read from exists and if so read the file in chunks
std::ifstream fin(FilePath, std::ifstream::binary | std::ifstream::in);
if (hash_type == "SHA1") {
if (context != NULL) {
if (EVP_DigestInit_ex(context, EVP_sha1(), NULL)) {
while (fin.good()){
fin.read(buffer.data(), BUFFER_SIZE);
std::streamsize s = ((fin) ? BUFFER_SIZE : fin.gcount());
buffer[s] = 0;
//convert vector of chars to string:
std::string str(buffer.data());
if (!EVP_DigestUpdate(context, str.c_str(), str.length())) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error while digesting file.\n");
return false;
unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
unsigned int lengthOfHash = 0;
if (EVP_DigestFinal_ex(context, hash, &lengthOfHash)) {
std::stringstream ss;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lengthOfHash; ++i) {
ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int) hash[i];
hashed = ss.str();
success = true;
fprintf(stderr, "Error while finalizing digest.\n");
return false;
fprintf(stderr, "Error while initializing digest context.\n");
return false;
fprintf(stderr, "Error while creating digest context.\n");
return false;
return success;
std::string myhash;
std::string myhash_type = "SHA1";
hashFullFile(R"(C:\Users\UserName\data.bin)", myhash, myhash_type);
例如169ed28c9796a8065f96c98d205f21ddac11b14e 作为哈希输出,但同一文件具有哈希:
openssl dgst -sha1 data.bin
SHA1(data.bin)= 1927f720a858d0c3b53893695879ae2a7897eedb
由 Openssl 命令行生成,也可由 Internet 上的任何站点生成。
您缺少 EVP API 尝试的最终计算。也不需要使用中间字符串。最后,函数应该 return 将摘要作为字节向量。让来电者随心所欲。
同时使用 EVP API 和 BIO 链的示例如下所示。
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
struct Delete
void operator()(BIO * p) const
void operator()(EVP_MD_CTX *p) const
using BIO_ptr = std::unique_ptr<BIO, Delete>;
using EVP_MD_CTX_ptr = std::unique_ptr<EVP_MD_CTX, Delete>;
std::vector<uint8_t> hashFileEVP(const std::string &fname, std::string const &mdname = "sha1")
// will hold the resulting digest
std::vector<uint8_t> md;
// set this to however big you want the chunk size to be
static constexpr size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
std::array<char, BUFFER_SIZE> buff;
// get the digest algorithm by name
const EVP_MD *mthd = EVP_get_digestbyname(mdname.c_str());
if (mthd)
std::ifstream inp(fname, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (inp.is_open())
EVP_MD_CTX_ptr ctx{EVP_MD_CTX_new()};
EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctx.get(), mthd, nullptr);
while (inp.read(buff.data(), BUFFER_SIZE).gcount() > 0)
EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx.get(), buff.data(), inp.gcount());
// size output vector
unsigned int mdlen = EVP_MD_size(mthd);
// general final digest
EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctx.get(), md.data(), &mdlen);
return md;
std::vector<uint8_t> hashFileBIO(std::string const &fname, std::string const &mdname = "sha1")
// the fixed-size read buffer
static constexpr size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
// will hold the resulting digest
std::vector<uint8_t> md;
// select this however you want.
const EVP_MD *mthd = EVP_get_digestbyname(mdname.c_str());
if (mthd)
// open the file and a message digest BIO
BIO_ptr bio_f(BIO_new_file(fname.c_str(), "rb"));
BIO_ptr bio_md(BIO_new(BIO_f_md()));
BIO_set_md(bio_md.get(), mthd);
// chain the bios together. note this bio is NOT
// held together with a smart pointer; all the
// bios in the chain are.
BIO *bio = BIO_push(bio_md.get(), bio_f.get());
// read through file one buffer at a time.
std::array<char, BUFFER_SIZE> buff;
while (BIO_read(bio, buff.data(), buff.size()) > 0)
; // intentionally empty
// size output buffer
unsigned int mdlen = EVP_MD_size(mthd);
// read final digest from md bio.
BIO_gets(bio_md.get(), (char *)md.data(), mdlen);
return md;
// convert a vector of byte to std::string
std::string bin2hex(std::vector<uint8_t> const& bin)
std::string res;
size_t len = 0;
if (OPENSSL_buf2hexstr_ex(nullptr, 0, &len, bin.data(), bin.size(), 0) != 0)
OPENSSL_buf2hexstr_ex(&res[0], len, &len, bin.data(), bin.size(), 0);
return res;
int main()
// i have this on my rig. use whatever you want
// or get the name from argv or some such.
static const char fname[] = "dictionary.txt";
auto md1 = hashFileEVP(fname);
auto md1str = bin2hex(md1);
std::cout << "hashed with EVP API\n";
std::cout << md1str << '\n';
auto md2 = hashFileBIO(fname);
auto md2str = bin2hex(md1);
std::cout << "hashed with BIO chain\n";
std::cout << md2str << '\n';
hashed with EVP API
hashed with BIO chain
openssl 命令行的输出
craig@rogue1 % openssl dgst -sha1 dictionary.txt
SHA1(dictionary.txt)= 0a97d663ada2e039fd904846abc5361291bd2d8e
我想使用 OpenSSL 库在 C++ 中计算任何给定文件的 Sha1。
我已经阅读了互联网上关于执行此操作的任何文章(也包括来自 Whosebug 的所有文章)将近 3 天。
此外,我想使用 C++ 代码而不是上面链接中所写的 C 代码,其次,他们使用:
SHA256_Update(&context, (unsigned char*)input, length);
SHA256_Final(md, &context);
在 new/current OpenSSL 版本(我认为是 3.0 左右)中不再可用。
因此,我认为这个问题将帮助我观察到的许多其他读者遇到与我使用新 OpenSSL 版本时遇到的相同问题并且不能再使用旧代码示例。
这是我的 C++ 代码,创建它是为了通过 chuncks 读取大文件而不将它们加载到内存中(希望这对以后阅读这篇文章的读者有所帮助 post 因为它有很多有用的行,但它不能完全工作如您所见):
bool hashFullFile(const std::string& FilePath, std::string &hashed, std::string &hash_type) {
bool success = false;
EVP_MD_CTX *context = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
//read file by chuncks:
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
std::vector<char> buffer (BUFFER_SIZE + 1, 0);
// check if the file to read from exists and if so read the file in chunks
std::ifstream fin(FilePath, std::ifstream::binary | std::ifstream::in);
if (hash_type == "SHA1") {
if (context != NULL) {
if (EVP_DigestInit_ex(context, EVP_sha1(), NULL)) {
while (fin.good()){
fin.read(buffer.data(), BUFFER_SIZE);
std::streamsize s = ((fin) ? BUFFER_SIZE : fin.gcount());
buffer[s] = 0;
//convert vector of chars to string:
std::string str(buffer.data());
if (!EVP_DigestUpdate(context, str.c_str(), str.length())) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error while digesting file.\n");
return false;
unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
unsigned int lengthOfHash = 0;
if (EVP_DigestFinal_ex(context, hash, &lengthOfHash)) {
std::stringstream ss;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lengthOfHash; ++i) {
ss << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int) hash[i];
hashed = ss.str();
success = true;
fprintf(stderr, "Error while finalizing digest.\n");
return false;
fprintf(stderr, "Error while initializing digest context.\n");
return false;
fprintf(stderr, "Error while creating digest context.\n");
return false;
return success;
std::string myhash;
std::string myhash_type = "SHA1";
hashFullFile(R"(C:\Users\UserName\data.bin)", myhash, myhash_type);
例如169ed28c9796a8065f96c98d205f21ddac11b14e 作为哈希输出,但同一文件具有哈希:
openssl dgst -sha1 data.bin
SHA1(data.bin)= 1927f720a858d0c3b53893695879ae2a7897eedb
由 Openssl 命令行生成,也可由 Internet 上的任何站点生成。
您缺少 EVP API 尝试的最终计算。也不需要使用中间字符串。最后,函数应该 return 将摘要作为字节向量。让来电者随心所欲。
同时使用 EVP API 和 BIO 链的示例如下所示。
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
struct Delete
void operator()(BIO * p) const
void operator()(EVP_MD_CTX *p) const
using BIO_ptr = std::unique_ptr<BIO, Delete>;
using EVP_MD_CTX_ptr = std::unique_ptr<EVP_MD_CTX, Delete>;
std::vector<uint8_t> hashFileEVP(const std::string &fname, std::string const &mdname = "sha1")
// will hold the resulting digest
std::vector<uint8_t> md;
// set this to however big you want the chunk size to be
static constexpr size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
std::array<char, BUFFER_SIZE> buff;
// get the digest algorithm by name
const EVP_MD *mthd = EVP_get_digestbyname(mdname.c_str());
if (mthd)
std::ifstream inp(fname, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (inp.is_open())
EVP_MD_CTX_ptr ctx{EVP_MD_CTX_new()};
EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctx.get(), mthd, nullptr);
while (inp.read(buff.data(), BUFFER_SIZE).gcount() > 0)
EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx.get(), buff.data(), inp.gcount());
// size output vector
unsigned int mdlen = EVP_MD_size(mthd);
// general final digest
EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctx.get(), md.data(), &mdlen);
return md;
std::vector<uint8_t> hashFileBIO(std::string const &fname, std::string const &mdname = "sha1")
// the fixed-size read buffer
static constexpr size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
// will hold the resulting digest
std::vector<uint8_t> md;
// select this however you want.
const EVP_MD *mthd = EVP_get_digestbyname(mdname.c_str());
if (mthd)
// open the file and a message digest BIO
BIO_ptr bio_f(BIO_new_file(fname.c_str(), "rb"));
BIO_ptr bio_md(BIO_new(BIO_f_md()));
BIO_set_md(bio_md.get(), mthd);
// chain the bios together. note this bio is NOT
// held together with a smart pointer; all the
// bios in the chain are.
BIO *bio = BIO_push(bio_md.get(), bio_f.get());
// read through file one buffer at a time.
std::array<char, BUFFER_SIZE> buff;
while (BIO_read(bio, buff.data(), buff.size()) > 0)
; // intentionally empty
// size output buffer
unsigned int mdlen = EVP_MD_size(mthd);
// read final digest from md bio.
BIO_gets(bio_md.get(), (char *)md.data(), mdlen);
return md;
// convert a vector of byte to std::string
std::string bin2hex(std::vector<uint8_t> const& bin)
std::string res;
size_t len = 0;
if (OPENSSL_buf2hexstr_ex(nullptr, 0, &len, bin.data(), bin.size(), 0) != 0)
OPENSSL_buf2hexstr_ex(&res[0], len, &len, bin.data(), bin.size(), 0);
return res;
int main()
// i have this on my rig. use whatever you want
// or get the name from argv or some such.
static const char fname[] = "dictionary.txt";
auto md1 = hashFileEVP(fname);
auto md1str = bin2hex(md1);
std::cout << "hashed with EVP API\n";
std::cout << md1str << '\n';
auto md2 = hashFileBIO(fname);
auto md2str = bin2hex(md1);
std::cout << "hashed with BIO chain\n";
std::cout << md2str << '\n';
hashed with EVP API
hashed with BIO chain
openssl 命令行的输出
craig@rogue1 % openssl dgst -sha1 dictionary.txt
SHA1(dictionary.txt)= 0a97d663ada2e039fd904846abc5361291bd2d8e