如何使用 python 在循环中输出正确的语句

How to output the correct statement in a loop using python

我目前正在使用 python-docx 库(0.8 版)在 PyCharm(社区版 2021.3.3)上编写一些 python(版本 3.10.4)代码。 1.1),它允许确定格式为 'Normal' 的文本(在 Word 文档中)是否包含特定字体(Times New Roman 或 Times New Roman 和 Cambria Math)。当我执行代码时,打印的语句不是我想要的。

我这里的意思是,如果所有文本('Normal' 样式)都是 Times New Roman,它应该打印“正文是 Times New Roman”,而如果文本同时包含 Times New Roman 和 Cambria Math 它应该打印,“正文是 Times New Roman 和 Cambria Math”,如果文本既不是 Times New Roman 也不是 Times New Roman 和 Cambria Math 的组合,它应该打印,“无法识别的正文字体”。

当我执行代码(如下所示)时,它会打印出 'Body text is in Times New Roman' 和 'Unrecognised body text font' 的组合(两者都打印出此类事件在文档中出现的次数)。 Word 文档包含以下字体:Times New Roman、Cambria Math 和 Arial(仅用于测试目的)。所以它应该打印“无法识别的正文字体”(因为所有文本都不是 Times New Roman 也不是 Times New Roman 和 Cambria Math 的组合)。

import docx  # import the python-docx library
WordFile = docx.Document("my file directory")  # Word document file directory for python-docx to access

for paragraph in WordFile.paragraphs:
    name = []
    if 'Normal' == paragraph.style.name:
        for run in paragraph.runs:
            for i in name:
                if i == 'Times New Roman':   # checks if the elements in name = [] are 'Times New   Roman'
                    print("Body text is in Times New Roman")  # print this statement if all  elements in name = [] are 'Times New Roman'
                elif i == 'Times New Roman' and i == 'Cambria Math':  # checks if the elements in name = [] are 'Times New Roman' and 'Cambria Math'
                    print("Body text is Times New Roman and Cambria Math")  # print this if fonts in name = [] are both 'Times New Roman' and 'Cambria Math'
                    print("Unrecognised body text font")  # print this if fonts in name = [] are neither all 'Times New Roman' nor a combo of 'Times New
                    # Roman' and 'Cambria Math'

我认为问题出在循环中,它检查空列表 name = [] 中的所有元素是否都是特定字体。只有当列表中的所有元素都满足给定条件时,打印语句才应该执行,并且只有一个语句应该被打印,而不是当前生成的组合。但我似乎无法解决这个问题。任何形式的帮助将不胜感激。附上当前产出的图片。

如果我正确理解了这个问题,我认为编辑当前实现的最简单方法是跟踪您识别的字体。您可以将识别的字体保存在 set 中并检查循环后找到的内容。所以像这样:

import docx  # import the python-docx library
WordFile = docx.Document("my file directory")  # Word document file directory for python-docx to access

font_names = set()
for paragraph in WordFile.paragraphs:
    if 'Normal' == paragraph.style.name:
        for run in paragraph.runs:
            font_name = run.font.name
            if font_name not in ('Times New Roman', 'Cambria Math'):

if "Unrecognized" in font_names:
    print("Unrecognised body text font")
elif 'Times New Roman' in font_names:
    if len(font_names) == 2 and 'Cambria Math' in font_names:
        print("Body text is Times New Roman and Cambria Math")
    elif len(font_names) == 1:
        print("Body text is in Times New Roman")



# return True if both Times New Roman and Cambria Math appear in your final list
all(i in name for i in ['Times New Roman', 'Cambria Math'])


# return True if *only* Times New Roman and Cambria Math appear in the final list
all(i in ['Times New Roman', 'Cambria Math'] for i in name)


  • 此字体检查可能应该缩进,因此它 运行 只有在收集了每个段落(或文档?)的信息后才会
  • 我们似乎不必要地将字体名称附加到列表中,导致重复并减慢您的最终列表迭代。最终是否需要对此列表进行分析?如果不是,请考虑检查或其他数据类型,如 set 以避免重复。


import docx  # import the python-docx library

# Word document file directory for python-docx to access
WordFile = docx.Document("test1.docx")

font_names = set()
for paragraph in WordFile.paragraphs:
    if "Normal" == paragraph.style.name:
        for run in paragraph.runs:
            if run.font.name is not None and run.font.name not in font_names:

if {"Times New Roman", "Cambria Math"} == font_names:
    # print this if fonts in name = [] are both 'Times New Roman' and 'Cambria Math'
    print("Body text is Times New Roman and Cambria Math")
elif {"Times New Roman"} == font_names:
    # checks if the elements in name = [] are 'Times New Roman'
    # print this statement if all  elements in name = [] are 'Times New Roman'
    print("Body text has Times New Roman")
    print("Unrecognised body text font")