
Creating payroll for promotion that is based on two criteria

我们有几位教练为我们工作。 预订课程时,包括教练姓名和学生姓名在内的数据将被推送到主控 sheet.


我正在尝试找到一种自动化工资单的方法,以便 sheet 可以计算当月的总工资,但它需要考虑晋升标准 - 所以我很难过解决这个问题。 我可以提取指导的小时数和指导的独特学生的数据,但不确定如何根据晋升标准计算正确的薪酬

例如: 前三个小时按每小时 15 美元支付,接下来的 7 个小时按每小时 20 美元支付,只要教练指导过三名以上的学生。 任何见解都会非常有帮助!

见上文解释。如果需要,我可以分享 sheet。

It's hard to show the desired result on the sheet. Basically lets say you have employee 1. They have worked 4 hours. The first three hours are paid at /hour and then after that it is paid at /hour, but they can only go up to /hour if they have seen more than 3 students Is there a formula something like "pay first three at 15, next 7 at 20, next at 25...etc?

=(MIN(C3, 3)*15) + 
 (MIN(MAX(C3-3, 0), 7)*IF(D3>=3, 20, 15)) + 
 (MAX(C3-10, 0)*IF(D3>=3, 25, 15))


在 E9 中使用:

=VLOOKUP(C9, H3:K, IF(D9<=10, 3, IF((D9>10)*(D9<=25), 4, 2)), 0)


=VLOOKUP(SUM(C:C10), H:K, IF(SUM(D:D10)<=10, 3, 
 IF((SUM(D:D10)>10)*(SUM(D:D10)<=25), 4, 2)), 0)-SUM(E:E9)