如何 运行 excel 中的宏 VBA 仅在 "Save-as" 而不是正常 "Save"

How to run a macro in excel VBA only on "Save-as" but not on normal "Save"

我有一份每天更新并通过电子邮件发送的工作表格。我从一个主表格(“Passdown Report 3rd Shift”)打开,并在每天离开之前保存为按日期分隔的单独副本(“Passdown Report 3rd Shift 2022-01-19”)。


我想 运行 在将表格保存为每日文件之前使用此宏,但在我只是更新和保存主文件时不需要。这是我能做的吗?

您可以在 ThisWorkbook 上使用 BeforeSave 函数。

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
    If SaveAsUI then
    'Your code
    end if
End Sub

在微软文档中写的是 SaveAs 的弹出窗口,将执行此代码并且标志 SaveAsUI 将为真。


注意:如果要保存宏,则需要将其设为 .xlsm 文件...

运行 关闭工作簿前的宏

  • 希望你SaveAs作为后备。
  • 只有在关闭备份时,IF(StrComp... 才会记下不同的文件名,您的宏会运行 并且在关闭前会再次保存备份。
  • 有点笨拙,但应该能保证原件的安全。
  • BeforeSave 的问题在于您可以执行 If SaveAsUI = True Then,但您也可能不小心在原件上执行了 SaveAs 并得到了 'destroyed'。我觉得太冒险了。
Option Explicit

Private ClosingBackup As Boolean

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    Const sFileName As String = "Passdown Report 3rd Shift.xlsm"
    If Not ClosingBackup Then
        With Me
            ' Compare if you're closing the original or the backup.
            If StrComp(.Name, sFileName, vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then ' backup
                ClosingBackup = True
                ' Here it will again call this sub but will exit because
                ' 'ClosingBackup' is set to True ('If Not ClosingBakup Then').
                .Close SaveChanges:=True
            'Else ' ClosingBackup = False i.e. closing the original; do nothing
            End If
        End With
    'Else ' ClosingBackup = True; closing the backup which was saved; do nothing
    End If

End Sub