Different frame rate calculation methods produce very different results
作为基于 OpenCV 和 MediaPipe(来自 Google)的手势识别系统的一部分,我调查了可能的帧率。
首先使用方法 1 中的代码(部分来自 YouTube 视频,部分来自 Mediapipe 示例代码)——它使用帧计数器和传递的总时间来计算帧速率。
方法 2 的代码使用了一种稍微不同的方法——开始和结束时间用于确定处理帧的时间以给出帧速率。然后将瞬时帧速率添加到一个列表中,该列表被平均以给出平均帧速率(超过 10 帧)。
我系统上的方法 1 达到了 30fps 的帧率(在达到此值之前需要一些稳定时间 - 比如 5-10 秒)。方法 2,当 if results.multi_hand_landmarks
行为假时,达到 100-110fps。当 if results.multi_hand_landmarks
为真时,帧速率下降到大约 60fps(双重方法 1)。
方法 1 的帧速率不会根据 if results.multi_hand_landmarks
而变化,但会通过增加 cv2.waitKey(5)
的值来降低。方法 2 在增加相同的值时表现出不同的行为 - 随着值的增加,帧速率将增加到达到最大帧速率的点,但随着等待时间的进一步增加,这种情况会下降。
根据相机的规格(见下文),我怀疑正确的帧速率是 30fps,但这并不能解释方法 2 中的值。
Windows10; Python - 3.7.9; OpenCV-4.5.4;媒体管道 - 0.8.9; CPU 驱动(无 GPU);网络摄像头 - 罗技 C920(30fps @ 720p/1080p)
import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
import numpy as np
import sys
import time
def main():
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
# start processing the video feed
def capture(cap):
mpHands = mp.solutions.hands
hands = mpHands.Hands(min_detection_confidence=0.91, min_tracking_confidence=0.91)
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
mpDraw = mp.solutions.drawing_utils
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
# initialize time and frame count variables
last_time = time.time()
frames = 0
while True:
# blocks until the entire frame is read
success, img = cap.read()
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.flip(img,1), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# process the image
results = hands.process(img)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
# if results and landmarks exist process as needed
if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
for handLms in results.multi_hand_landmarks:
# used for displaying hand and landmarks in separate window
mpDraw.draw_landmarks(img, handLms, mpHands.HAND_CONNECTIONS)
# Other code goes here to process landmarks
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
# compute fps: current_time - last_time
frames += 1
delta_time = time.time() - last_time
cur_fps = np.around(frames / delta_time, 1)
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
cv2.putText(img, 'FPS: ' + str(cur_fps), (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.imshow("Image", img)
if cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF == 27:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
import numpy as np
import sys
import time
def main():
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
# start processing the video feed
def capture(cap):
mpHands = mp.solutions.hands
hands = mpHands.Hands(min_detection_confidence=0.91, min_tracking_confidence=0.91)
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
mpDraw = mp.solutions.drawing_utils
# Initialise list to hold instantaneous frame rates
fps = [0]
while True:
# start time
start = time.time()
# blocks until the entire frame is read
success, image = cap.read()
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
imageRGB = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
results = hands.process(imageRGB)
# if results and landmarks exist process as needed
if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
for handLms in results.multi_hand_landmarks:
# used for displaying hand and landmarks in separate window
mpDraw.draw_landmarks(image, handLms, mpHands.HAND_CONNECTIONS)
# Other code goes here to process landmarks
# Define end time
end = time.time()
# Elapsed time between frames
elapsed_time = (end - start)
if elapsed_time != 0:
# Calculate the current instantaneous frame rate
cur_fps = 1/elapsed_time
# Append to end of list
# Maintain length of list
if len(fps) == 10:
del fps[0]
# Calculate the average frame rate
ave_fps = np.around(sum(fps)/len(fps))
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
cv2.putText(image, 'FPS: ' + str(ave_fps), (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.imshow("Image", image)
if cv2.waitKey(35) & 0xFF == 27:
if __name__ == "__main__":
在 #1 中,这些行也计入 delta_time
cur_fps = np.around(frames / delta_time, 1)
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
cv2.putText(img, 'FPS: ' + str(cur_fps), (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.imshow("Image", img)
if cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF == 27:
这使您的 FPS 更有效,因为它涵盖了整个循环时间
在 #2 中,您没有完全计算 FPS,因为您没有将上述代码行计算在内
作为基于 OpenCV 和 MediaPipe(来自 Google)的手势识别系统的一部分,我调查了可能的帧率。 首先使用方法 1 中的代码(部分来自 YouTube 视频,部分来自 Mediapipe 示例代码)——它使用帧计数器和传递的总时间来计算帧速率。 方法 2 的代码使用了一种稍微不同的方法——开始和结束时间用于确定处理帧的时间以给出帧速率。然后将瞬时帧速率添加到一个列表中,该列表被平均以给出平均帧速率(超过 10 帧)。
我系统上的方法 1 达到了 30fps 的帧率(在达到此值之前需要一些稳定时间 - 比如 5-10 秒)。方法 2,当 if results.multi_hand_landmarks
行为假时,达到 100-110fps。当 if results.multi_hand_landmarks
为真时,帧速率下降到大约 60fps(双重方法 1)。
方法 1 的帧速率不会根据 if results.multi_hand_landmarks
而变化,但会通过增加 cv2.waitKey(5)
的值来降低。方法 2 在增加相同的值时表现出不同的行为 - 随着值的增加,帧速率将增加到达到最大帧速率的点,但随着等待时间的进一步增加,这种情况会下降。
根据相机的规格(见下文),我怀疑正确的帧速率是 30fps,但这并不能解释方法 2 中的值。
Windows10; Python - 3.7.9; OpenCV-4.5.4;媒体管道 - 0.8.9; CPU 驱动(无 GPU);网络摄像头 - 罗技 C920(30fps @ 720p/1080p)
import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
import numpy as np
import sys
import time
def main():
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
# start processing the video feed
def capture(cap):
mpHands = mp.solutions.hands
hands = mpHands.Hands(min_detection_confidence=0.91, min_tracking_confidence=0.91)
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
mpDraw = mp.solutions.drawing_utils
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
# initialize time and frame count variables
last_time = time.time()
frames = 0
while True:
# blocks until the entire frame is read
success, img = cap.read()
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.flip(img,1), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# process the image
results = hands.process(img)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
# if results and landmarks exist process as needed
if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
for handLms in results.multi_hand_landmarks:
# used for displaying hand and landmarks in separate window
mpDraw.draw_landmarks(img, handLms, mpHands.HAND_CONNECTIONS)
# Other code goes here to process landmarks
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
# compute fps: current_time - last_time
frames += 1
delta_time = time.time() - last_time
cur_fps = np.around(frames / delta_time, 1)
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
cv2.putText(img, 'FPS: ' + str(cur_fps), (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.imshow("Image", img)
if cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF == 27:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
import numpy as np
import sys
import time
def main():
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
# start processing the video feed
def capture(cap):
mpHands = mp.solutions.hands
hands = mpHands.Hands(min_detection_confidence=0.91, min_tracking_confidence=0.91)
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
mpDraw = mp.solutions.drawing_utils
# Initialise list to hold instantaneous frame rates
fps = [0]
while True:
# start time
start = time.time()
# blocks until the entire frame is read
success, image = cap.read()
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
imageRGB = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
results = hands.process(imageRGB)
# if results and landmarks exist process as needed
if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
for handLms in results.multi_hand_landmarks:
# used for displaying hand and landmarks in separate window
mpDraw.draw_landmarks(image, handLms, mpHands.HAND_CONNECTIONS)
# Other code goes here to process landmarks
# Define end time
end = time.time()
# Elapsed time between frames
elapsed_time = (end - start)
if elapsed_time != 0:
# Calculate the current instantaneous frame rate
cur_fps = 1/elapsed_time
# Append to end of list
# Maintain length of list
if len(fps) == 10:
del fps[0]
# Calculate the average frame rate
ave_fps = np.around(sum(fps)/len(fps))
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
cv2.putText(image, 'FPS: ' + str(ave_fps), (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.imshow("Image", image)
if cv2.waitKey(35) & 0xFF == 27:
if __name__ == "__main__":
在 #1 中,这些行也计入 delta_time
cur_fps = np.around(frames / delta_time, 1)
# used for displaying hand and other information in separate window
cv2.putText(img, 'FPS: ' + str(cur_fps), (10, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.imshow("Image", img)
if cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF == 27:
这使您的 FPS 更有效,因为它涵盖了整个循环时间
在 #2 中,您没有完全计算 FPS,因为您没有将上述代码行计算在内