Firebase App Distribution(fastlane 插件):无法从刷新令牌生成凭据

Firebase App Distribution (fastlane plugin): could not generate credentials from the refresh token

问题是我无法在 Firebase 中授权 (App Distribution 无法从指定的刷新令牌生成凭据)。我收到一个错误:

App Distribution could not generate credentials from the refresh token specified.
Authorization failed.  Server message:
  "error": "invalid_grant",
  "error_description": "Bad Request"
Response status: 400

|                    fastlane summary                     |
| Step | Action                             | Time (in s) |
| 1    | default_platform                   | 0           |
| 2    | :app:assembleSkRelease             | 5           |
| 3    | Switch to android defineGroup lane | 0           |
| 4    | Switch to android distributeFB     | 0           |
|      | lane                               |             |
|    | firebase_app_distribution          | 0           |

我尝试通过 firebase 插件生成新的刷新令牌:bundle exec fastlane run firebase_app_distribution_login 几次,但没有任何效果。我检查了我是否在我的环境中正确设置了新 $FIREBASE_TOKEN


|                                    Used plugins                                     |
| Plugin                              | Version | Action                              |
| fastlane-plugin-firebase_app_distr  | 0.3.3   | firebase_app_distribution,          |
| ibution                             |         | firebase_app_distribution_add_test  |
|                                     |         | ers,                                |
|                                     |         | firebase_app_distribution_get_late  |
|                                     |         | st_release,                         |
|                                     |         | firebase_app_distribution_get_udid  |
|                                     |         | s,                                  |
|                                     |         | firebase_app_distribution_login,    |
|                                     |         | firebase_app_distribution_remove_t  |
|                                     |         | esters                              |


检查您设置为 $FIREBASE_TOKEN 的值是否是您从网站输入代码后在终端中打印的值,而不是最后一个值。