Excel vba - class 构造方法无效,调试错误

Excel vba - class constructor method not working, debug error

我有这个 class,我正在尝试创建一个 class 构造函数或工厂方法(不确定 VBA 中的正确名称)。当我尝试 运行 时,我得到一个包含调试错误的对话框,并且 ig 突出显示了测试模块的设置行。怎么了?在构造函数中实例化集合的正确方法是什么?使用 let/get 时使用关键字 this 是否更好?


Private pStreet As String
Private pZip As Integer

Public Property Let Street(val As String)
   pStreet = val
End Property
Public Property Get Street() As String
   Street = pStreet
End Property
Public Property Let Zip(val As Integer)
   pZip = val
End Property
Public Property Get Zip() As Integer
   Zip = pZip
End Property

Class 人

Private pName As String
Private pSurname As String
Private pAddresses As New Collection

Public Property Let Name(val As String)
    pName = val
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
    Name = pName
End Property

Public Property Let Surname(val As String)
    pSurname = val
End Property
Public Property Get Surname() As String
    Surame = pSurname
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set pAddresses = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Set pAddresses = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub addAddress(ByVal val As Address)
    pAddresses.Add val
End Sub
Public Property Get Addresses() As Collection
    Set Addresses = pAddresses
End Property
Public Property Get Address(ByVal Index As Long) As Address
    Set Address = pAddresses(Index)
End Property

Public Function CreatePerson(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Surname As String) As Person
    With New Person
        .pName = Name
        .pSurname = Surname
        Set CreatePerson = .Self
    End With
End Function


sub test()
Dim x as Person
Set x = Person.CreatePerson("Mike","Jordan")
end sub


  1. 您的匿名新消息是针对 GiantCorp 而不是个人
  2. 您没有 return With New Person 创建的 Me 实例的 self 方法 3 不知道 'instance' 在做什么。
  3. 您的地址 class 不管理地址集合,您 class
  4. 也不管理

这是您的人的更新代码 class。别难过,VBA 中的工厂 classes 在您第一次遇到它们时实际上是一个棘手的主题。

Option Explicit

Private Type Properties

    Name                As String
    Surname             As String
    Address             As Address
End Type

Private p               As Properties

Public Property Let Name(ipName As String)
    p.Name = ipName
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
    Name = p.Name
End Property

Public Property Let Surname(ipSurname As String)
    p.Surname = ipSurname
End Property
Public Property Get Surname() As String
    Surame = p.Surname
End Property

' This property will fail as the Address class is not a collection
Public Sub addAddress(ipAddress As Address)
   Set p.Address = ipAddress
End Sub

Public Function CreatePerson(ByVal ipName As String, ByVal ipSurname As String) As Person
    With New Person 'GiantComp  no idea what this GiantComp' class is doing here
        ' Private fields cannot be accessed here, you need to forward them to the self function
        '.pName = ipName
        '.pSurname = ipSurname
        Set CreatePerson = .Self(ipName, ipSurname)
    End With
End Function

Public Function Self(ByVal ipName As String, ByVal ipSurname As String) As Person
' You are now inside the anonymous Person class you created with 'With nEw Person' so you can now access private fields
    p.Name = ipName
    p.Surname = ipSurname
    Set Self = Me
End Function

您还需要设置 PredeclaredId 属性。这涉及导出 class、编辑相关属性并重新导入,或者更方便地使用属性注释 '@PredecaredId,该注释由免费且出色的 Rubberduck 插件提供 VBA.

祝您创建地址集合 class 来管理您的地址。关于如何包装集合以生成集合的示例有很多 class.

创建工厂方法的另一个选择是使用另一个 class:


Option Explicit

Public Function Create(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Surname As String, ByVal Street As String, ByVal Zip As Integer) As Person
   Dim a As Address
   Set Create = New Person
   Create.Name = Name
   Create.Surname = Surname
   Set a = New Address
   a.Street = Street
   a.Zip = Zip
   Create.Addresses.Add a
End Function


Private Sub Test()
   Dim pf As PersonFactory
   Dim p As Person
   Set pf = New PersonFactory
   Set p = pf.Create("Mike", "Jordan", "my street", 11111)
End Sub