Azure Devops Apple App Store Release.Missing 属性值 'whatsNew'

Azure Devops Apple App Store Release.Missing value for the attribute 'whatsNew'

我已尝试将其提交审核并自动发布到 App Store Connect。 我曾经从市场上使用 Apple App Store Release 阶段。对于 Testflight 上传,捆绑包也适用。我试图测试它自动发布并提交审核但每次都失败并出现相同的错误您必须为该请求提供属性'whatsNew'的值问题是可以我曾经使用已经上传的屏幕截图描述、版权等,现在,是为每个评论手动创建的,但我想自动化它。此外,当我单击 跳过二进制文件上传失败 时。我找不到 Devops Apple App Store Release 的适当文档。它混淆了这个制作track.Many谢谢!

这是我的舞台截图 Azure DevOps Release Stage

2022-04-05T09:24:23.3861260Z +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3862270Z |                                                      deliver 2.205.1 Summary                                                       |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3864990Z +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3865620Z | force                                        | true                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3866070Z | precheck_include_in_app_purchases            | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3866560Z | api_key_path                                 | /Users/runner/work/_temp/api_key9Z88UF88N9.json                                     |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3867080Z | app_identifier                               |                                                         |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3867630Z | ipa                                          | /Users/runner/work/r1/a/_bundle_CI/Bundle IPA/Bundle.ipa
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3868130Z | platform                                     | ios                                                                                 |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3868510Z | skip_metadata                                | true                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3868900Z | skip_screenshots                             | true                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3869680Z | submit_for_review                            | true                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3870340Z | automatic_release                            | true                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3871120Z | submission_information.add_id_info_uses_idfa | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3872330Z | screenshots_path                             | ./screenshots                                                                       |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3873060Z | metadata_path                                | ./metadata                                                                          |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3873660Z | app_version                                  | 1.0.149                                                                             |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3874270Z | edit_live                                    | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3874850Z | use_live_version                             | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3875480Z | skip_binary_upload                           | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3876100Z | skip_app_version_update                      | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3876750Z | overwrite_screenshots                        | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3877360Z | sync_screenshots                             | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3877970Z | reject_if_possible                           | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3878570Z | phased_release                               | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3879170Z | reset_ratings                                | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3879800Z | run_precheck_before_submit                   | true                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3880840Z | precheck_default_rule_level                  | warn                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3881510Z | ignore_language_directory_validation         | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3882840Z +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3884330Z [09:24:23]: Making sure the latest version on App Store Connect matches '1.0.149'...
2022-04-05T09:24:23.8417210Z [09:24:23]: Successfully set the version to '1.0.149'
2022-04-05T09:24:23.8517060Z [09:24:23]: Uploading binary to App Store Connect
2022-04-05T09:24:24.4047220Z [09:24:24]: Going to upload updated app to App Store Connect
2022-04-05T09:24:24.4049510Z [09:24:24]: This might take a few minutes. Please don't interrupt the script.
2022-04-05T09:25:16.7867060Z [09:25:16]: iTunes Transporter successfully finished its job
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1106370Z [09:25:17]: --------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1207620Z [09:25:17]: Successfully uploaded package to App Store Connect. It might take a few minutes until it's visible online.
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1309150Z [09:25:17]: --------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1341770Z [09:25:17]: Finished the upload to App Store Connect
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1343890Z [09:25:17]: Running precheck before submitting to review, if you'd like to disable this check you can set run_precheck_before_submit to false
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1345550Z [09:25:17]: Making sure we pass precheck ‍♀️  before we submit  
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1348420Z +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1349340Z |                        Summary for precheck 2.205.1                        |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1350550Z +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1351370Z | default_rule_level       | warn                                            |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1352140Z | include_in_app_purchases | false                                           |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1352840Z | app_identifier           |                      |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1355240Z | api_key_path             | /Users/runner/work/_temp/api_key9Z88UF88N9.json |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1356060Z | platform                 | ios                                             |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1356910Z | use_live                 | false                                           |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1358240Z +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1359670Z [09:25:17]: Creating authorization token for App Store Connect API
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1360480Z [09:25:17]: Checking app for precheck rule violations
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8126800Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No negative  sentiment
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8244610Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No placeholder text
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8340960Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No mentioning  competitors
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8344540Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No future functionality promises
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8355930Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No words indicating test content
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8360450Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No curse words
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8361750Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No words indicating your IAP is free
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8362970Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: Incorrect, or missing copyright date
2022-04-05T09:25:34.4012700Z [09:25:34]: ✅  Passed: No broken urls
2022-04-05T09:25:34.4042370Z [09:25:34]: precheck ‍♀️   finished without detecting any potential problems 
2022-04-05T09:25:34.6474110Z [09:25:34]: Selecting the latest build...
2022-04-05T09:25:34.7365550Z [09:25:34]: Waiting for processing on... app_id: 1518025447, app_version: 1.0.149, build_version: 89875, platform: IOS
2022-04-05T09:25:34.8516120Z [09:25:34]: Read more information on why this build isn't showing up yet -
2022-04-05T09:25:34.8519170Z [09:25:34]: Waiting for the build to show up in the build list - this may take a few minutes (check your email for processing issues if this continues)
2022-04-05T09:25:49.9763660Z [09:25:49]: Waiting for the build to show up in the build list - this may take a few minutes (check your email for processing issues if this continues)
2022-04-05T09:26:05.1568160Z [09:26:05]: Waiting for the build to show up in the build list - this may take a few minutes (check your email for processing issues if this continues)
2022-04-05T09:26:20.2713480Z [09:26:20]: Waiting for the build to show up in the build list - this may take a few minutes (check your email for processing issues if this continues)
2022-04-05T09:26:35.5406640Z [09:26:35]: Waiting for the build to show up in the build list - this may take a few minutes (check your email for processing issues if this continues)
2022-04-05T09:26:50.6913440Z [09:26:50]: Waiting for the build to show up in the build list - this may take a few minutes (check your email for processing issues if this continues)
2022-04-05T09:27:08.5349470Z [09:27:08]: Waiting for App Store Connect to finish processing the new build (1.0.149 - 89875) for IOS
2022-04-05T09:35:49.5224800Z [09:35:49]: Successfully finished processing the build 1.0.149 - 89875 for IOS
2022-04-05T09:35:49.5226290Z [09:35:49]: Selecting build 1.0.149 (89875)...
2022-04-05T09:35:50.6884150Z [09:35:50]: Successfully selected build
2022-04-05T09:35:51.0286440Z [09:35:51]: Successfully updated IDFA declarations on App Store Connect
2022-04-05T09:35:55.2298930Z Looking for related GitHub issues on fastlane/fastlane...
2022-04-05T09:35:55.4162970Z /Users/runner/.gem-cache/gems/fastlane-2.205.1/spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/api_client.rb:199:in `handle_response': [!] appStoreVersions with id '8ae9663d-d064-4cd3-ba38-4640068aacb1' is not in valid state. - This resource cannot be reviewed, please check associated errors to see why. (Spaceship::UnexpectedResponse)
2022-04-05T09:35:55.4168360Z The provided entity is missing a required attribute - You must provide a value for the attribute 'whatsNew' with this request
tried with Arguments --release_notes --whatsNew release_notes, whatsNew every time same error

要解决此 You must provide a value for the attribute 'whatsNew' with this request 错误,请尝试以下方法:

  1. 添加 skip_metadata: false,因为它可能会导致 Fastlane 跳过发行说明。

  2. 在Apple连接字符串的后台为应用程序支持的所有语言提供新内容。

参考文献:DELIVER (2.150.0.rc3/4) always ask attribute whatsNew and You must provide a value for the attribute 'whatsNew' with this request