有人可以解释这个 "request" 代码是如何工作的吗?

Can someone explain how this "request" code works?

我正在使用以下代码从 coinbase 获取 BTC 数据。我只是从教程中复制了这个,但我想知道它是如何工作的。有人可以一步一步解释吗?谢谢

import requests # imports the request library

url = "https://api.exchange.coinbase.com/products/BTC-USD/book?level=1" # provides the url from which data will be pulled

headers = {"Accept": "application/json"} # I don't understand the point of this line

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) # I just don't understand the point of the 'header' part

print(response.text) # This just prints the result




您的代码通过附加 HTTP Headers:

https://api.exchange.coinbase.com/products/BTC-USD/book?level=1 发送 GET 请求
Accept: application/json

这会导致网络服务器在 JSON-Format 中发送您的查询结果,您可以使用 response.text
