
What is the evaluation order of function arguments?

我正在使用这个版本的 Go:

$ go version
go version go1.18 windows/amd64

struct A只有一个字段和B有两个或以上字段时结果不一样,只有参数类型是interface时才会出现这种情况。


package main

import (

func main() {
    a := A{}
    m("A", a, SetAI(&a))
    b := B{}
    m("B", b, SetBI(&b))

type A struct {
    I int
    S string

type B struct {
    I int

func SetAI(a *A) A {
    a.I = 10
    return *a

func SetBI(b *B) B {
    b.I = 10
    return *b

func m(name string, arg1, arg2 interface{}) {
    fmt.Println(name+":", arg1, arg2)


A: {10} {10}
B: {10} {10}


A: {0 } {10 }
B: {10} {10}



m("A", a, SetAI(&a))

这是一个函数call, the function value and arguments are evaluated in the usual order:

Otherwise, when evaluating the operands of an expression, assignment, or return statement, all function calls, method calls, and communication operations are evaluated in lexical left-to-right order. For example, in the (function-local) assignment

y[f()], ok = g(h(), i()+x[j()], <-c), k()

the function calls and communication happen in the order f(), h(), i(), j(), <-c, g(), and k(). However, the order of those events compared to the evaluation and indexing of x and the evaluation of y is not specified.

所以基本上规范只保证函数调用和通信 操作发生在 left-to-right.

您的调用有参数 "A"aSetAI(&a)。无法保证第二个参数 a 是否在 &a 参数传递给 SetAI() 之前被评估,这非常重要,因为 SetAI() 修改了 a。由于无法保证顺序,您不能依赖哪个顺序会先评估,这两个顺序均符合规范。

如果在 之前通过复制结构 来显式求值,您会得到相同的结果:

a := A{}
aCopy := a
m("A", aCopy, SetAI(&a))
b := B{}
bCopy := b
m("B", bCopy, SetBI(&b))

这将输出(在 Go Playground 上尝试):

A: {0 } {10 }
B: {0} {10}


a := A{}
ap := SetAI(&a)
m("A", a, ap)
b := B{}
bp := SetBI(&b)
m("B", b, bp)

这将为每种情况输出 10(在 Go Playground 上尝试这个):

A: {10 } {10 }
B: {10} {10}