如何将 SVG 缩放到与相邻 SVG 完全相同的高度

How to scale SVG to exactly same height as adjacent SVG's

这是我截取的片段。它是不同 Web 服务徽标的列表,例如一个网站。如您所见,与其他徽标相比,Twitter 徽标并没有完全对齐:

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              d="m 8.06873,30.587244 c -0.0469,0.106185 -0.21343,0.137583 -0.36512,0.06491 -0.15452,-0.0695 -0.2413,-0.213784 -0.19121,-0.319969 0.0459,-0.108656 0.21273,-0.138993 0.36689,-0.06668 0.15487,0.06985 0.24307,0.215548 0.18944,0.321734 v 0"
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              d="m 9.7715907,32.776583 c -0.1305297,0.09066 -0.3439597,0.0056 -0.4759007,-0.183798 -0.13052,-0.189441 -0.13052,-0.416631 0.003,-0.507648 0.132301,-0.09102 0.342551,-0.0088 0.4762507,0.178858 0.13018,0.192617 0.13018,0.419807 -0.003,0.512588 v 0"
              d="m 10.92235,33.961917 c -0.11677,0.128762 -0.36547,0.09419 -0.54751,-0.08149 -0.18626,-0.171805 -0.23812,-0.415573 -0.121,-0.544338 0.11818,-0.129117 0.3683,-0.09278 0.55174,0.08149 0.18486,0.17145 0.2413,0.416983 0.11677,0.544338 v 0"
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当我们在元素周围添加边框时,我们可以看到问题是 Twitter 徽标不适合完美的正方形。它需要矩形区域来适应,当它被挤压到一个正方形内时,它会按比例缩小以适应它。这导致它看起来比相邻的徽标高。

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有没有一种方法可以将 SVG 缩放到完全相同的高度并水平获取 space 所需的任何内容?

请注意,父容器 .list-item 的纵横比为 1:1


而twitter icon之外的三个icon还有一个aspect ratio of 1:1(viewBox宽高相等)所以这三个icon均匀的填满父容器
但是 twitter 图标 的宽度大于高度 - viewBox="0 0 61 49.998463"

在下面的示例中,红色边框显示 canvas svg 的边界。超出 SVG canvas 范围的内容将被剪裁。 因此,用 transform="translate()"


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