Sails.js: Jest spyOn results in TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property

Sails.js: Jest spyOn results in TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property

我正在尝试使用 Jest 的 spyOn:

await sails.helpers.models.test.randomFn.with({ ... });
const randomFnSpy = jest.spyOn(sails.helpers.models.test.randomFn, 'with');
randomFnSpy.mockImplementation(() => {});


TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'with' of function 'function runFn(_argins, _explicitCbMaybe, _metadata){

我尝试将 属性 设置为 configurablewritable :

  { configurable: true, writable: true }


TypeError: Cannot redefine property: with at Function.defineProperty ()


Sails 内部使用 machine 执行以下操作:

Object.defineProperty(wetMachine, 'with', {
    enumerable: false,
    configurable: false,
    writable: false,
    value: arginStyle === 'named' ? wetMachine : wetMachine.customize({
      arginStyle: 'named',
      execStyle: execStyle,
      extraArginsTactic: extraArginsTactic,
      extraCallbacksTactic: extraCallbacksTactic,
      arginValidationTactic: arginValidationTactic,
      resultValidationTactic: resultValidationTactic,
      finalAfterExec: finalAfterExec,
      defaultMeta: defaultMeta,
      defaultArgins: defaultArgins,
      // Note there is no reason to pass through `implementationSniffingTactic`
      // here, since it would have already applied now (it applies at build-time.)

不是监视 with,而是嘲笑助手的 fn 成功了:

jest.mock('../../../../../api/helpers/models/test/random-fn', () => ({ fn: () => {} }));