如何在 ggplot 中为 "greater than or equal to " 登录添加订阅?

How to add subscription for the "greater than or equal to " sign in ggplot?

我正在尝试使用具有下标大于或等号的表达式作为我情节的 facet_grid 标题。表达式的乳胶版本如下



data$type <- factor(data$type, levels = c('A holds', "A doesn't hold"),labels = c(expression(S>=T), expression(S<=T))).

但是当我尝试使用代码 expression(S>=[A]T) 添加订阅 A 时,R 一直向我报告错误

Unexpected token '[' .


您需要在 [A] 之前有一个不可见的占位符才能获得合法的表达式 - 您可以为此使用 phantom


data$type <- factor(data$type, levels = c('A holds', "A doesn't hold"),
                    labels = c(expression(S >=phantom(0)[A]~T), 
                               expression(S <= phantom(0)[A]~T)))

ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) + 
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(.~type, labeller = label_parsed) +
  theme(strip.text = element_text(size = 20))

reprex package (v2.0.1)

于 2022-04-06 创建


data <- data.frame(x = rep(1:10, 2), y = rnorm(20),
                   type = rep(c('A holds', "A doesn't hold"), each = 10))