Latex: fail to show line breaks in formula with ```\\```
我正在使用 rmarkdown 编织成 pdf。但是,换行符 \
不生效。我怀疑我的包 amsmath
有问题,因为 运行 tex 文件也显示了同样的问题。但是我不知道怎么解决。
(我用tinytex安装了R和Rstudio,然后安装了tex live 2021,不知道是不是这个原因。)
title: "test"
date: '2022-04-07'
word_document: default
keep_tex: yes
a = b \
c = d
此外,当我尝试编织 word 时,出现警告消息
[WARNING] Could not convert TeX math
a = b \
c = d
, rendering as TeX:
a = b \
unexpected control sequence \
expecting "%", "\label", "\tag", "\nonumber" or whitespace
构建 tex 文件,我仍然无法在输出 pdf 中看到预期的换行符。 tex文件如下图
% Options for packages loaded elsewhere
\usepackage{textcomp} % provide euro and other symbols
\else % if luatex or xetex
% Use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim environments
\IfFileExists{microtype.sty}{% use microtype if available
\UseMicrotypeSet[protrusion]{basicmath} % disable protrusion for tt fonts
\@ifundefined{KOMAClassName}{% if non-KOMA class
}{% else
\setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}}
}{% if KOMA class
\IfFileExists{xurl.sty}{\usepackage{xurl}}{} % add URL line breaks if available
pdfcreator={LaTeX via pandoc}}
\urlstyle{same} % disable monospaced font for URLs
% Scale images if necessary, so that they will not overflow the page
% margins by default, and it is still possible to overwrite the defaults
% using explicit options in \includegraphics[width, height, ...]{}
% Set default figure placement to htbp
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em} % prevent overfull lines
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-\maxdimen} % remove section numbering
\usepackage{selnolig} % disable illegal ligatures
a = b \
c = d
简而言之:\[ \]
是为 equation/one 一行数学而写的。要添加 line-break,您应该使用像 gather
或 align
这样的环境。 align
的代码在您的 tex-code 中看起来像这样:
a &= b \
c &= d
a &= b \
c &= d
我正在使用 rmarkdown 编织成 pdf。但是,换行符 \
不生效。我怀疑我的包 amsmath
有问题,因为 运行 tex 文件也显示了同样的问题。但是我不知道怎么解决。
(我用tinytex安装了R和Rstudio,然后安装了tex live 2021,不知道是不是这个原因。)
title: "test"
date: '2022-04-07'
word_document: default
keep_tex: yes
a = b \
c = d
此外,当我尝试编织 word 时,出现警告消息
[WARNING] Could not convert TeX math a = b \ c = d , rendering as TeX: a = b \ ^ unexpected control sequence \ expecting "%", "\label", "\tag", "\nonumber" or whitespace
构建 tex 文件,我仍然无法在输出 pdf 中看到预期的换行符。 tex文件如下图
% Options for packages loaded elsewhere
\usepackage{textcomp} % provide euro and other symbols
\else % if luatex or xetex
% Use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim environments
\IfFileExists{microtype.sty}{% use microtype if available
\UseMicrotypeSet[protrusion]{basicmath} % disable protrusion for tt fonts
\@ifundefined{KOMAClassName}{% if non-KOMA class
}{% else
\setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}}
}{% if KOMA class
\IfFileExists{xurl.sty}{\usepackage{xurl}}{} % add URL line breaks if available
pdfcreator={LaTeX via pandoc}}
\urlstyle{same} % disable monospaced font for URLs
% Scale images if necessary, so that they will not overflow the page
% margins by default, and it is still possible to overwrite the defaults
% using explicit options in \includegraphics[width, height, ...]{}
% Set default figure placement to htbp
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em} % prevent overfull lines
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{-\maxdimen} % remove section numbering
\usepackage{selnolig} % disable illegal ligatures
a = b \
c = d
简而言之:\[ \]
是为 equation/one 一行数学而写的。要添加 line-break,您应该使用像 gather
或 align
这样的环境。 align
的代码在您的 tex-code 中看起来像这样:
a &= b \
c &= d
a &= b \
c &= d