
Overcome Permissions Errors When Traversing the File System

我正在构建一个 VBScript 来搜索和记录从主目录中复制出的文件的位置(重复项)。

我目前有一个脚本可以递归搜索C盘并将所有文件位置记录到日志文件中。 (这并不优雅,但我仍在进行概念验证。)

然而,当我遍历文件系统时,我发现有很多文件夹脚本甚至无法查看 - Appdata、本地设置、我的视频、我的图片等。


我已经尝试 运行 通过将此代码段添加到开头且行为没有变化来提升权限的脚本:

If Not WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("elevate") Then
    CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute WScript.FullName _
    , WScript.ScriptFullName & " /elevate", "", "runas", 1
End If


' Get list of ALL files recursively and record them in a text file
Function getAllFilesRecursively (specifiedFolder, logLocation)

    If (Right(specifiedFolder,7)<>"AppData") And _
       (Right(specifiedFolder,16)<>"Application Data") And _
       (Right(specifiedFolder,7)<>"Cookies") And _
       (Right(specifiedFolder,14)<>"Local Settings") Then

        ' Get list of files in current folder
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(specifiedFolder.Path)
        Set colFiles = objFolder.Files

        'This function writes to a specified log file, using the specified method
        writeToFile specifiedFolder, logLocationTemp, "Append" 

        ' For each file, perform a task 
        For Each objFile in colFiles '(<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< permissions error)
            ' Compose the full path to the file
            fullPath = specifiedFolder & "\" & objFile.name

            'Save the path to a text file (a newline is automatically added)
            writeToFile fullPath, logLocation, "Append"

        ' For each folder, Recurse
        For Each Subfolder in specifiedFolder.SubFolders
            getAllFilesRecursively Subfolder, logLocation
    End If
End Function


给您错误的文件夹可能不是实际文件夹,而是指向文件夹的符号链接。它们的存在是出于兼容性原因,并带有 ACE "everyone deny list folder, this folder only" 以防止人们浏览。不要乱动它们。制作排除列表以防止您的脚本尝试遍历它们。

Set exclude = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
exclude.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
exclude.Add "Application Data", True
exclude.Add "Local Settings", True

Function getAllFilesRecursively (specifiedFolder, logLocation)
    For Each Subfolder in specifiedFolder.SubFolders
        If Not exclude.Exists(Subfolder.Name) Then
            getAllFilesRecursively Subfolder, logLocation
        End If
End Function