
Flutter[Android]: Not able to release App with Manage External Storage Permission

我们需要允许用户在外部存储中存储文件,为此,我们在应用程序中使用 MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE 权限。

理想情况下,对于 android SDK 版本 30 及更高版本,我们使用 Permission.manageExternalStorage,对于低于 30 的 android SDK 版本使用 Permission.storage,如下面的代码所示

  // This func is added to access scope storage to export csv files
  static Future<bool> externalStoragePermission(BuildContext context) async {
    final androidVersion = await DeviceInfoPlugin().androidInfo;

    if ((androidVersion.version.sdkInt ?? 0) >= 30) {
      return await checkManageStoragePermission(context);
    } else {
      return await checkStoragePermission(context);

  static Future<bool> checkManageStoragePermission(BuildContext context) async {
    return (await Permission.manageExternalStorage.isGranted ||
        await Permission.manageExternalStorage.request().isGranted);

  static Future<bool> checkStoragePermission(BuildContext context,
      {String? storageTitle, String? storageSubMessage}) async {
    if (await Permission.storage.isGranted ||
        await Permission.storage.request().isGranted) {
      return true;
    } else {
        title: storageTitle ?? Str.of(context).storagePermissionRequired,
        message: storageSubMessage ?? Str.of(context).storageSubMessage,
      return false;

通过上述实施,开发和内部发布时一切正常,但 Google 游戏控制台拒绝了具有以下拒绝的应用程序(我们还提交了 manage_storage 的原因许可)。

We need to allow users to store files in the external storage and for the same, we use MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission in our application.

您不需要该权限即可在 public 目录(如下载、文档、DCIM、图片等)中创建自己的子目录。



  1. 我们必须使用 SAF(Storage Access Framework) on behalf of the storage permission shared_storage 这将允许我们授予共享存储中特定目录的权限,我们可以将文件存储在那里。我还在下面添加了相同的代码示例。
  Future<void> exportFile({
    required String csvData,
    required String fileName,
  }) async {
    Uri? selectedUriDir;
    final pref = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
    final scopeStoragePersistUrl = pref.getString('scopeStoragePersistUrl');
    // Check User has already grant permission to any directory or not
    if (scopeStoragePersistUrl != null &&
        await isPersistedUri(Uri.parse(scopeStoragePersistUrl)) &&
        (await exists(Uri.parse(scopeStoragePersistUrl)) ?? false)) {
      selectedUriDir = Uri.parse(scopeStoragePersistUrl);
    } else {
      selectedUriDir = await openDocumentTree();
      await pref.setString('scopeStoragePersistUrl', selectedUriDir.toString());
    if (selectedUriDir == null) {
      return false;
    try {
      final existingFile = await findFile(selectedUriDir, fileName);
      if (existingFile != null && existingFile.isFile) {
        debugPrint("Found existing file ${existingFile.uri}");
        await delete(existingFile.uri);
      final newDocumentFile = await createFileAsString(
        mimeType: AppConstants.csvMimeTypeWhileExport,
        content: csvData,
        displayName: fileName,
      return newDocumentFile != null;
    } catch (e) {
      debugPrint("Exception while create new file: ${e.toString()}");
      return false;