我需要告诉客户什么?防火墙是为了确保我们的 Azure.Storage.Blobs 依赖软件能够正常工作?

What do I need to tell clients re. Firewalls in order to ensure our Azure.Storage.Blobs dependent software will work?

我们的软件使用 Azure.Core、Azure.Storage.Blobs 和 Azure.Storage.Common 与在北欧(即爱尔兰)持有的 Azure Blob 存储帐户进行交互



我可以执行 ping someblobaccounthere.blob.core.windows.net 之类的操作,这会给我一个 IP 地址,但它会始终是同一个 IP 地址吗? Azure.Storage.Blobs 和关联的 DLL 如何与此类帐户交互?

请求是通过 HTTPS 发出的,还是这些 DLL 是通过其他协议进行交互的,我是否需要告诉它们打开某些端口,或者默认端口(例如 443 和(http 为 80))是否有效?这对代理会很好吗?

我确实有点 google,但我的 Google Fu 让我失望了,我找不到明确的答案。

我们的应用程序是为 .NET Framework 4.8 构建的 - 以防万一。

您可以 view/download IP 范围从 this link:

This file contains the IP address ranges for Public Azure as a whole, each Azure region within Public, and ranges for several Azure Services (Service Tags) such as Storage, SQL and AzureTrafficManager in Public. This file currently includes only IPv4 address ranges but a schema extension in the near future will enable us to support IPv6 address ranges as well. Service Tags are each expressed as one set of cloud-wide ranges and broken out by region within that cloud. This file is updated weekly. New ranges appearing in the file will not be used in Azure for at least one week. Please download the new json file every week and perform the necessary changes at your site to correctly identify services running in Azure.

恕我直言 Azure 存储 should be configured to use https only 因此 https 端口应该打开。